《MY FM 敢敢考默契GO!》 全马南下北上玩透透!
MY FM DJ 和一众本地艺人即将南下北上召集大家一起来挑战《MY FM 敢敢考默契GO!》,每一站将送出总值超过1万5千令吉现金奖! 继《MY FM 敢敢猜EMOJI》在电台和网络上引起巨大回响并深受欢迎,MY FM即将推出更具互动性的游戏《MY FM 敢敢考默契GO!》,前往全国三个地点,包括巴生谷、新山、以及槟城考验听众们的默契。 届时,MY FM 全台DJ包括林德荣、颜薇恩 、Jeff陈浩然、Yoon吴家润、Jack叶朝明、Jym庄靖毅、Wayne以及Catherine凯心将全员出动,而参与的艺人则包括Danny许佳麟、Geraldine颜慧萍、Peace张诒博、William陈健宏和Muse Girls。 无论你们是朋友、夫妻、情侣或同事,只要觉得彼此的默契还不错,就欢迎出席参与《MY FM...
GAME ON for Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2017!
The search has begun for the next Goddess of Beauty to be crowned Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2017 (#MACIP2017). Are you ready to embark on this beautiful adventure of a lifetime? The beauty pageant, hosted by Astro, is open for all Malaysian Chinese females aged 18-25 who are confident with their own beauty and love to embrace challenges. Heed the call and pave your way through to the finale with only a one-time audition...
Losing Weight After Pregnancy
With the Chinese New Year celebration just ended, it’s the perfect time to get my body back in shape. After giving birth, I had a bulging tummy which is not a good sight especially when I’m wearing tight fitting top and jeans :/ To get rid of my belly pooch, there’s really no shortcut but to eat lesser and exercise. To be honest, losing weight takes a lot of discipline, determination and patience. And so recently I...
ROBI – The Manglish Speaking Robot hits Malaysia
I have always loved robots that I dreamed of building my own cute robot, something like the C-3PO or R2-D2 in Star Wars. It would be really cool if I could build a robot that can talk, sing, dance and perform simple tasks And here comes the good news! Building my own robot is no longer just a dream as Robi has arrived in Malaysia, all the way from Japan! *drum rolls* Incorporating cutting-edge robotics technology from Japan,...
My Chinese New Year 2017
One of the festivals that I look forward to (I actually love any festivals coz it meant HOLIDAYS!!!) is the Chinese New Year or better known as the Lunar New Year. As you know, 2017 is the Year of Rooster; Fire Rooster to be precise. When I was a kid, I love Chinese New Year because it means no school with lots of yummy food to eat and you get to receive ang pow whenever you wish ‘Gong Xi Fa Cai’, watch lion dance and not...
MY FM DJ Royce 陈志康 即将卸下11年的电台DJ身份,暂时离开广播界。
MY FM DJ Royce 陈志康 即将卸下11年的电台DJ身份,将于来临的星期五(2月24日)主持最后一档《MY FM啱Channel》后,暂时离开广播界。Royce在周五六点钟的《MY FM啱Channel》节目中向听众宣布自己的决定,同时也亲手撰写了自己的心情,全文如下: 飞得久了,其实也不太在意要再飞多高多远。这社会充斥着把握机会的讯息,天罗地网地告诉每一个人不能累,不能错过,不能平凡。累就这么样变成了一种原罪。 你好,我是Royce陈志康。我决定辞职了,离开我11年的电台节目和工作岗位。 不是找不到生活,不是公司对我不好,不是同事间的政治,不是我要跳槽,是我累了。11年后背着这小小成就离开,对我而言并不容易。可是人生真的没有多少个十年,就当是中学毕业了,我是时候申请大学了。接下来的生活并没有什么具体打算,就老老实实地做自己,经营自己的人生,邂逅那不期而遇的惊喜! 感谢公司,同事,战友这11年里成就了我,包容了我。 感谢你11年里让我陪你下班回家。...
Family Day Out @ The Parenthood, Sunway Pyramid
Last December, we brought Aiden to The Parenthood Indoor Playground at Sunway Pyramid. Aiden has always loved playground and he could spend hours playing at the playground. So whenever we could, I’ll bring him out to the playground. Besides endless fun, playground is a place that provide exciting learning opportunities that build a child’s self-confidence and let their creativity flourish. There month of December is filled...
“Roaring Rooster” – 2017 Year of Rooster exclusive ang pow packets
2017 is the Year of the Rooster; Fire Rooster to be precise. Besides feasting, gathering with family and friends, one of the things that I look forward to during this festive period is collecting red packets. Inspired and influenced by The Wifey, I started to know how to appreciate the beauty of red ang pow packets by admiring the design and texture of the prosperity packets. The Prosperity Packets come in different designs;...