Aiden is Two!
I can’t quite believe how fast time goes by! My little guy turned two today. He’s growing up too fast. Where did the time go? It feels like just yesterday when I first held him in my arms :/ My lil’ guy turned two! Anyway, we didn’t throw him a birthday party this year because …… The Wifey just delivered baby two. So, there’s no big celebration for Aiden but only a small, quiet and intimate...
Jumping On The Colouring Bandwagon
I started this Adult Colouring hobby early this year after joining the Facebook Adult Coloring Group. During then, a local bookstore was having a promotion for their coloring books and I went ahead and bought a copy. And so, my adult colouring journey truly began. My coloring books & coloring tools collection. I started doing research on the different types of colouring books and coloring materials to use. In case if you’re...
D’Empire Art Of Cuisine @ Pavilion
Located on the 6th floor of Pavilion KL, D’Empire Art Of Cuisine is a semi fine dining restaurant serving French and Italian cuisine cooked using only fresh ingredients with no added preservatives. D’Empire Art Of Cuisine. Modern interior with a touch of wood tables and leather chairs. The restaurant offers a variety of French & Italian cuisine from starters, classic salads, soups, classic pizzas, lasagna, pastas,...
Pregnancy Update : Week 37
I can’t quite believe that I’m already at week 37. My belly, especially lower belly feels heavy. Surprisingly, I actually felt more energized compared to last few weeks because the sudden burst of energy allowed me to run and chase after Aiden, who is really active! I can’t stand or walk around for too long due to the sharp pains at my pelvic area which can be quite unbearable. Expected Due Date: 3rd November 2016...
What’s In My Hospital Bag
I’m 37 weeks now and it’s only less than a month before delivering baby two. If there’s one thing that I haven’t do, it’s packing my hospital bag! I have all the baby stuffs ready, but just haven’t pack them yet. When I was pregnant with Aiden, I’ve already packed my hospital bag when I was 35 weeks. If you have not packed your hospital bag (like me), worry not because I’m gonna share...
Welcoming iPhone 7!
Time flies! It has been about a decade since the first iPhone was launched in 2007. The very first iPhone that I owned was iPhone 3GS with quite limited features but great enough to be the “IN” smartphone then. So on 14th October, the wait is finally over as Apple iPhone 7 was officially launched in Malaysia!!! In short, iPhone 7 features new colors (black & jet black), safer in water and not forgetting Nintendo game...
How To Choose The Right Stroller
When I had Aiden two years ago, one of the major decisions that we have to make is choosing the right stroller. We had quite a hard time choosing then as strollers come in different brands, sizes, prices and categories too. Recently, I’ve had friends asking me on how to choose the right stroller for their baby. Hence, I thought of writing this post, hoping that it will help and serve as a guide for all first time parents to...
《 亚洲舞极限 2016 》- 台湾夺冠, 大马夺最佳舞蹈编排
由Astro本地圈第三度主办的跨国街舞赛《亚洲舞极限 2016》于10月8日,在吉隆坡马华大厦三春礼堂精彩落幕!台湾B-boy精英组合Formosa Crew凭着累积了多年的实力问鼎《亚洲舞极限 2016》,大马街舞界后起之秀Rejuvenate Dance Crew也不落人后,以高水准的表现获得“最佳舞蹈编排”。 《亚洲舞极限 2016》继续贯彻“舞所不在,舞所不能”精神,邀来14支来自11个亚洲地区的精英舞队汇集一堂一较高下,考验多队舞蹈精英自编舞蹈和尬舞实力。经过自编舞蹈环节和四强尬舞环节两轮之后,最终由实力均衡,表现稳定的台湾组合Formosa Crew拿下冠军宝座。 大马代表Rejuvenate Dance Crew在自编舞蹈环节,凭出色的编舞拿下评审们给的86.8分高分,成功夺得“最佳舞蹈编排”为马争光,并与以82.1分成绩紧随在后的Red Lycans双双杀入四强,可惜最后两队大马代表不敌自编舞蹈环节得分80.9分的Formosa...