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MyForteClub MegaTT3.0 @ KIA Red Cube

MyForteClub MegaTT3.0 @ KIA Red Cube

Last Sunday, 1st July, MyForteClub had the 3rd Mega TT @ Naza KIA Red Cube! Are you one of the proud Fortezen? If yes, did you join us at MyForteClub MegaTT3.0 @ KIA Red Cube? Travelling along the Federal Highway in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, you will have noticed a distinctive red and white building along the stretch that is akin to an auto boulevard. The building is the Red Cube, a brand new facility for Kia products. It is the first...

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MEGA TT 3.0 1st July 2012 @ RedCube Petaling Jaya + BANAFEE VILLAGE Johor Baharu

MEGA TT 3.0 1st July 2012 @ RedCube Petaling Jaya + BANAFEE VILLAGE Johor Baharu

Are you excited about the upcoming MyForteClub Mege TT 3.0 @ 1st July? It’s our 3rd Mega TT and I have it will be a bigger and a better event with a blast from members! Check out the previous Mega TT post here 1) Forte Mega TT a big Success! KL – Penang – JB 2) MyForteClub 2nd Annual MEGA TT 2.011 at OldTown @ Syopz @ The Boardwalk [CENTRAL] : 701 Inter-State MegaTT 3.0 To all participants of the “701 MegaTT 3.0”, Kindly update...

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