How to Apply Malaysian Passport for Your Baby
My brother is getting married in January and the bride side will hosting their dinner in Indonesia. Its no way for us to remain behind with the baby hence we will be taking Aiden along for this overseas trip. It’ll be a short trip (3 days 2 nights) and Aiden will be 2 months plus by then We did some research about travelling with baby to make sure things go well coz after all we’re first time parents. But the most...
Catch Malaysia’s Funny Man, Harith Iskander LIVE at “To Know Malaysia Is To Laugh Malaysia”
Remember the famous saying “Laughter Is The Best Medicine”? When was the last time you had a good laugh? With all the bad news that have befallen Malaysia, it has been a while since we, Malaysians come together in unity and have a real good laugh. Recently, I was invited by Nuffnang to attend a Bloggers Gathering with Harith Iskander for his upcoming “To Know Malaysia Is To Laugh Malaysia” stand-up comedy show...
Hurray! No Visa Required when you travel to Japan! Japan Visa Waiver For Malaysians!
Effective July 1, Malaysian nationals who hold ordinary biometric passports (issued AFTER February 2010) with an embedded microchip will no longer need to obtain a visa for a short-term stay in Japan. Malaysians holding biometric passport can enter Japan without visa for short term stay up to maximum of 90 days (subject to immigration clearance upon arrival). Non-biometric passport holders must apply for Japan visa as per normal...
Pidato Anwar Ibrahim: Suara Rakyat Suara Keramat @ Kelana Jaya Stadium – Tolak Penipuan PRU13!
The Pakatan Rakyat organized a mass gathering yesterday; 8th May 2013 at Kelana Jaya MBPJ Stadium. All the Malaysian Rakyat were called to wear black to Kelana Jaya Stadium as a silent protest on the recent 13th Malaysian General Elections! I parked at Paradigm Mall and then walk towards the Stadium. I read that some parked as far as Sunway and walked all the way to the Stadium. Salute you guys! Human flow walking from Paradigm Mall...
New series of Malaysian banknotes RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20 and RM100 revealed
Bank Negara Malaysia is pleased to announce the introduction of Malaysia’s new currency series. Launched by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak, the new currency series comprises newly designed banknotes and coins. The banknotes issued are in the denominations of RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20 and RM100 and will be available for circulation in the second half of 2012. The RM50 denomination...
Malaysian Jess Lee Kar Wei 李佳薇 wins Taiwan’s reality TV competition “One Million Star” 超級星光大道
超級星光大道 20110130 李佳薇 – 回家 超級星光大道 20110130 李佳薇 – Listen “李佳薇太完美了”‧“星光”首個大馬冠軍贏喝彩歡呼 (森美蘭‧芙蓉31日訊)國大之光、台大之光、李氏之光、大馬之光、芙蓉之光! 4場完美演出、4個滿分記錄、評判一致認可……,“星光”首個大馬冠軍李佳薇在歡呼聲中誕生! 從昨晚開始,無論是部落格、推特、微博、面子書等等,都散播著李佳薇奪冠的喜訊,祝福聲連連。 森美蘭李氏聯宗會昨晚號召歌迷朋友到芙蓉塔羅餐廳觀賞李佳薇的決賽演出,以見證佳薇創造歷史性的一刻。 暫時擱置慶祝晚宴 對於李佳薇奪取冠軍殊榮載譽而歸,森州李氏聯宗會原本計劃舉行大型慶祝晚宴,但是,礙於李佳薇新年期間只逗留在大馬幾天,因此,計劃只得暫時擱置。 該會會長拿督李光輝說,雖然該會無法配合時間舉行晚宴,但仍會登門拜訪,包括贈送紀念品表揚李佳薇為李姓人爭光。...
26 Malaysians Rescued From Earth Quake China Finally Home
Rescue op: A Chinese rescuer carries a 90-year-old Malaysian tourist towards a waiting helicopter in Maoxian County. She had been stranded in Sichuan since Monday. — AP CHENGDU: The 26 Malaysians who were stranded following the earthquake in China are expected to reach home early tomorrow morning. They are expected to arrive at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 12.20am on flight MU539 scheduled to depart from Shanghai Pudong...
Sheikh Muszaphar set to be first Malaysian in space
Hospital UKM’s Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor will make history when he goes into space on board the Russian Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft at 9.22pm (Malaysian time) on Wednesday. “It’s a small step for me, but a great leap for the Malaysian people,” Dr Sheikh Muszaphar ” the first Malaysian to go into space ” told the Associated Press, rephrasing Neil Armstrong’s legendary words after the Apollo...