The Wifey and I during our trip to Sydney. She was already pregnant then.
Both The Wifey and I initially planned to try for a baby after our vacation to HK in March to celebrate our first wedding anniversary, but things don’t always go as planned. The Wifey got pregnant during our trip to Sydney in February instead. When I found out that The Wifey was pregnant, I was so overjoyed and pretty excited coz with the addition of the baby, it means it’s no longer just The Wifey and me 🙂 The Wifey on the other hand went crazy shopping for baby stuffs that our utility room is packed full with clothes, toys and whatnot to decorate the nursery room.

Preggy Wifey at 32 weeks
I was told by many to prepare for The Wifey’s pregnancy cravings coz usually pregnant women’s won’t be cravings for normal food (chips, ice cream, milo, biscuits) but instead food which can be difficult to find (fried egg with ice cream, Nutella dipped lychee). I was like “OMG”! But thank goodness coz The Wifey had no weird cravings and only occasionally craves potato wedges or french fries which is easily available. Not only that, she had no morning sickness throughout her pregnancy.

The very first photo I took of our little of joy after delivery.
The Wifey was in labour for 5 hours and I was just beside her offering what support I can. Aiden was born on 27th October 2014 via natural birth. He weighs 2.65 kg and 48 cm at length. When I carry him in my arms, I think he’s the most beautiful thing in the planet.

Aiden at one week young.
Before Aiden was born, I remembered telling The Wifey numerous times not to spoil him by carrying him too much coz it’ll make life difficult for us when he get used to all the carrying but seriously it’s easier said than done. Just looking at him already melts my heart. Also, initially both The Wifey and I agreed that I will be the bad cop while The Wifey will be the angel coz she has a soft heart. But I think I’ll definitely give in and give him everything he wants. Haha

Aiden smiling happily

Chilling with my little boy on bed. I guess both of us love camera. Hehe
I’m looking forward to more father-son bonding activities with Aiden (watch football, go for car roadshow and etc) when he’s bigger. But now he actually sticks more to The Wifey – mommy’s boy.
December 11, 2014
Hi! Still remember me? Time flies. Are you still doing the internet stuff? Last time, you showed me your website. Amazed that you are still running the site! Great stuff! 🙂
December 17, 2014
Hey Prudence, yeah sure remember.
How are you? What are you doing now?