MY FM 众星敢敢来摸箱 – 尖叫惊吓直超标
想要观赏艺人在面临恐惧时刻的真性情?艺人们害怕时会有怎样的脸部表情?周一(4月4日)起,MY FM网站自有分晓! 4月4日起,MY FM将推出第一阶段《MY FM敢敢来》单元,并邀请多位艺人前来挑战“摸箱”。参与挑战的艺人包括泰国网路大红人Happy Polla宝拉、本地唱跳女团Precious的可晴和盈盈、歌手Juztin刘界辉、Jordan盛天俊、《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2012》冠军Denise陈楚寰、《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》亚军兼贺岁电影《四个愚夫之金玉满堂》女主角Fancy吴胤婷,以及大马网路红人Michiyo Ho何恋慈。 日前,泰国“女神” 宝拉以一袭露肩装进行《MY...
My Bank Account during Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is coming!!! This is one of those times when i’ll scratch my head coz I need to think what to get as Valentine’s gift and also think of the credit bills at the end of the month However, Valentine’s Day is an once a year celebration, so gotta celebrate lo right? A conversation between The Wifey and me:- Wife: B, im so excited leh… Valentine’s Day is coming! *smiling happily Me:...
OlaBola – More Than Just a Football Movie
You’ve seen the trailer, you’ve listened to the songs, you’ve watched the music videos. Today, OlaBola, the movie that everyone’s talking about, will kick off in 126 screens at nationwide cinemas in Malaysia and Brunei! OLABOLA – Official Trailer 28 January 2016 [HD] Yes, OlaBola is a movie that features the beautiful game of football. But it’s also more than that. Much more. It’s about the beautiful people of different cultures...
Celebrating Monkey Year @ Hui Lau Shan 許留山 with Juztin Lan 刘界辉
I was recently invited by Hui Lau Shan (許留山) to their new menu launch and also to join them for an early Chinese New Year celebration at their latest outlet in Setapak Central. Upholding the principles of healthy, freshness, uniqueness and creativity, Hui Lau Shan (許留山) introduces their two new Lou Sang dishes “Prosperity Lou Sang” and “Cheerful Lou Sang”. Also present at the media launch was Juztin Lan 刘界辉, Mr...
Astro Chinese New Year #HoYeah2016 Campaign <<猴爷大盛年>>
Ushering in the Year of Monkey, Astro launched an exciting Chinese New Year (CNY) campaign, #HoYeah2016 . I was recently invited by Astro to attend the preview of an exciting festive line-up which will be available to all Astro customers from 7th February until 22nd February 2016. There are plenty of entertainment lined up this festive season, which includes blockbuster movies, concerts, LIVE events, local shows and CNY specials. Have...
《TVB 馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2015 @ Genting
《TVB 馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》在雲頂雲星劇場完成13個入圍獎項類別的頒獎。全城矚目的四大台慶劇之一《張保仔》經全民投票後獲選為「最喜愛TVB電視劇集」;陳展鵬更憑劇中「十一貝勒」一角榮膺大馬視帝,繼上月在新加坡勇奪視帝殊榮後再次報捷,實力無可置疑!田蕊妮和胡定欣則憑《鬼同你OT》的精彩演出雙雙登上視后寶座,深得觀眾歡心,亦得到評審一致肯定!。 《TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2015 @ Arena Of Stars, Genting 最喜愛TVB電視劇集是《張保仔》。袁偉豪憑《拆局專家》首獲男配角,女配角是《四個女仔三個BAR》的姚子羚。最喜愛TVB飛躍進步男女藝員由楊明及朱千雪獲得。 《TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》得獎名單 TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2015 Awardee List ■最喜愛TVB電視劇集:《張保仔》...
《MY FM The Show天作之盒》
《MY FM The Show天作之盒》 was presented LIVE at the Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands on 5th & 6th September! Through the success of its annual events and overwhelmed demand, MY FM has made a major breakthrough this year by presenting MY FM The Show consecutively for 2 days in Genting! 《MY FM The Show天作之盒》 has invited the local and international artists to perform in the show, which included Sam Lee 李圣杰, Nicholas Teo 张栋樑, Rachel Liang...
Bon Appetit & “Let’s Eat! 开饭啦!”
Budgeted at S$1.8million (RM5.25million), “Let’s Eat! 开饭啦!” is Chapman’s directorial debut and will be shot in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The movie features regional artistes, that includes Chapman To (杜汶泽) himself, popular Hong Kong actress Aimee Chan (陈茵媺), Hong Kong hip-hop duo FAMA (農夫) member C-Kwan (郑诗君), veteran award-winning artist Lo Hoi Pang (盧海鵬), Malaysia’s Tommy Kuan (关栋珉) & newcomer Daphne...