I can’t quite believe that I’m already at week 37. My belly, especially lower belly feels heavy. Surprisingly, I actually felt more energized compared to last few weeks because the sudden burst of energy allowed me to run and chase after Aiden, who is really active! I can’t stand or walk around for too long due to the sharp pains at my pelvic area which can be quite unbearable.

Me at 37 weeks pregnant
Expected Due Date: 3rd November 2016
Baby Size: At a recent check-up,I was told that baby is about 2.3kg
Weight gain: 10kg. I only gained about 8kg with Aiden, so this round I’m gaining more weight :/
Maternity Style: I didn’t spend on maternity dresses which are not only overpriced but wouldn’t last long too. I basically survived 9 months of pregnancy wearing bigger sized tees, shorts and non-maternity dresses that can accommodate my growing belly.
Symptoms: Besides having trouble sleeping at night, I tend to visit toilet several times every night :/ I sometimes experience sharp pain at my pelvic bone area when I stand or walk. Aside from that, I also tend to get painful cramps in my calves when I stretch my legs.
Food Cravings: I have sweet cravings for desserts; ice cream, chocolates and anything sweet but less junk food. With Aiden, I tend to eat more junk food but not so much sweets.
I guess that’s about it for now. I figure the next post would be the about the birth story. Wish me luck please!
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