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MY FM 飞天遁地阳光帮 caught in action…

Have you seen any of this? My Fm was having this contest MyFM 飞天遁地阳光帮 whereby the contestants need to bring this board of MyFM DJ, Jack Lim, Mei Yan, Nicholas wherever they go and let ppl take picture. Those who caught them and take picture of the board will get RM100. Now the contest is ended and one of the contestants finally won the contest and grabbed RM15k wow. I must say this event is a successful one and it actually attract a lot of ppl and make a successful marketing for Brands.

I myself caught them in somewhere nearby Jaya ONE. I guess that was there because BRAND’S 白兰氏鸡 office there or something.

MyFM DJ 飞天遁地阳光帮

MyFM DJ 飞天遁地阳光帮

MyFM DJ 飞天遁地阳光帮

This is one of the creative video done by the winner – William Kok.

《MY FM 飞天遁地阳光帮》大奖得主终于出炉,那就是来自蒲种的郭伟良。他凭借自己的实力、勇气和毅力勇挫其他999位参赛者,成为1万5千令吉的大奖得主!

从 2月19日开始一直进行到3月15日的《MY FM 飞天遁地阳光帮》,要求所有参赛者拿着MY FM《阳光灿烂》三位主持人林德荣、颜薇恩和Nicholas翁书尉的人形站牌到人潮汹涌的地方,争取最多的曝光率。随着这项活动的结束,MY FM于今天中午12时30分通过电台宣布大奖得主,同时于今天的颁奖仪式上颁发模拟支票予10位优胜者以及大奖得主。

MY FM与BRAND’S白兰氏鸡精联合呈献的这项《MY FM 飞天遁地阳光帮》活动自展开以来获得非常热烈的反应。参赛者在取得三位主持人林德荣、颜薇恩和Nicholas翁书尉的人形站牌后都绞尽脑汁,不管吃喝玩乐、上班逛街购物睡觉都与他们三人形影不离,并展开为期约一个月的”新同居生活”,务求让更多的人看到自己,同时争取最多的曝光率,然后拍照并上载到MY FM网站以作为”证据”。除了大奖得主将获得1万5千令吉的现金奖之外,10名表现最好的参赛者也将各获得一千令吉现金。


主办当局透露,大奖得主郭伟良胜出的原因,除了是他为这项活动发挥了无限的创意,如创作歌曲并上载到you tube之外,他还把人形站牌带到一些保安森严的地方去拍照,当然最让人感动的是他经常到人多的地方不断寻找公众与他合照,同时”不辞劳苦”地向公众介绍这项活动,让更多人对这项活动有所了解。

Source : MyFM



Author: Saimatkong

This blog is a platform to share what I love in life: food (eat), travel (play), photography (art) and life (thoughts and ideas). With passion for food, I share my foodie adventures and indulgences here. “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”

Traveling makes us a better human being as we recognise the similarities and celebrate the differences of cultures between where we travel to and where we come from. “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

Photography do more than just capturing the best moments in our lives; they also help us tell our life stories. “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

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