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Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo

When you have kids, it’s important to spend quality time with them to strengthen your relationship and also to create memories. We always look forward to weekend coz weekend is our family day. Some of the fun activities that I’ve done with my family: movie night, visit to aquaria, burn calories at play gym and recently, we had so much fun with the animals at the KL Tower Mini Zoo. And since Aiden loves animals, out next family trip will be to Farm In The City 🙂

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo : Lovely pair of parrots at the main entrance.

Lovely pair of parrots at the main entrance.

It was Aiden‘s first visit to zoo and he was real excited. To be honest, I haven’t been to a zoo in donkeys years so it was quite an interesting experience for me:)

If you’ve not been to KL Tower Mini Zoo, it’s basically divided into 6 sections, Mini Jungle, Jelutong Tree, Fallabella Stable, Bridge Broadway, Bird Aviary and Pet Village.

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo : The lovely pair of parrot

The lovely pair of parrot

We started off with Mini Jungle and across Albino Crow, Albino Iguana, Parrot, Marmoset, Wallaby and Sulcata Tortoise.

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo : Sulcata Tortoise

Sulcata Tortoise

 Aiden had the opportunity to touch and feel the Sulcata Tortoise. He was real excited that he keeps saying, “Mummy, daddy see!”

Aiden had the opportunity to touch and feel the Sulcata Tortoise. He was real excited that he keeps saying, “Mummy, daddy see!”

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo : Wallaby


KL Tower Mini Zoo - Mangrove Snake

Mangrove Snake

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo : Cochin Chicken

Cochin Chicken

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo

Are you afraid of python? At KL mini zoo, they have the longest species of snake - Albino "Golden" Python

Are you afraid of python? At KL mini zoo, they have the longest species of snake – Albino “Golden” Python

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo : Jamnapari Goat and Saanen Goat. We saw the world smallest breed of horse too - Falabella

Jamnapari Goat and Saanen Goat. We saw the world smallest breed of horse too – Falabella but didn’t manage to take photo of it.

Fun Day with Animals @ KL Tower Mini Zoo : We saw a cute alpaca and decided to take our family photo with it. Haha

We saw a cute alpaca and decided to take our family photo with it. Haha

KL Tower Mini Zoo - Besides learning about animals, Aiden made some new friends there too :)

Besides learning about animals, Aiden made some new friends there too 🙂

KL Tower Mini Zoo - Cute little guinea pigs with Aldabra Tortoise.

Cute little guinea pigs with Aldabra Tortoise.

KL Tower Mini Zoo - Cute rabbits

KL Tower Mini Zoo - Cute rabbit

KL Tower Mini Zoo - KL Tower Mini Zoo - Cute rabbit

Cute rabbits

KL Tower Mini Zoo -Birds

KL Tower Mini Zoo -Birds

Bird Aviary

KL Tower Mini Zoo - Albino Long Tailed Macaque

KL Tower Mini Zoo - Albino Long Tailed Macaque

Albino Long Tailed Macaque

We spent about 2+ hours at the zoo. We had a lot of fun exploring around. It was such a great adventure and as we walk around discovering different species of animals, we get to burn some calories too. If you’re thinking of a fun activity to do with your toddlers, can consider bringing them to visit the zoo. This trip to zoo provide us with educational benefits as Aiden gets to learn more about animals and at the same improve his vocabulary, get to touch and feed the animals and the best part is of coz getting to spend quality time together as a family. That’s like killing so many birds with a stone 😉

KL Tower Mini Zoo

Address: Menara Kuala Lumpur , Lot 6, Ground Floor, Jalan Punchak, Off Jalan P.Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Entrance Fees for KL Tower Mini Zoo:
Adult RM32
Children RM27
Senior Citizen RM27
*FREE admission for children body height below 90cm

The tickets for KL Tower Mini Zoo can be purchased at the ticket counter at the zoo. Alternatively, you may also purchase your KL Tower Mini Zoo tickets from Klook at a discounted rate. All you need to do is bring along the printed voucher to redeem your entry ticket at the main entrance counter. It’s that easy!

Operation Hours: Monday to Sunday 10am – 9pm
Tel: 03-2072 3923
Email: kltower.minizoo@gmail.com
Ticket: KL Tower Mini Zoo Malaysia



Author: Saimatkong

This blog is a platform to share what I love in life: food (eat), travel (play), photography (art) and life (thoughts and ideas). With passion for food, I share my foodie adventures and indulgences here. “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”

Traveling makes us a better human being as we recognise the similarities and celebrate the differences of cultures between where we travel to and where we come from. “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

Photography do more than just capturing the best moments in our lives; they also help us tell our life stories. “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

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  1. A Day With Animals @ Farm In The City 城の农场 - i'm saimatkong - […] Aiden’s first zoo experience @ KL Tower Mini Zoo, we found that he loves animals and totally enjoyed his…

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