PETRONAS CNY Coffee Break – Getting home safe puts a smile on everyone’s face
In conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration, Petronas’ popular #PETRONASCoffeeBreak is back for the 17th consecutive year. Thanks to @PETRONASBrands and @nuffnangmy, I was recently invited to the launch of PETRONAS Coffee Break campaign at Ciao Ristorante. The PETRONAS Coffee Break is a very meaningful campaign held twice yearly during Chinese New Year and Hari Raya Aidilfitri to promote road safety and educate road...
Automated Enforcement System (AES) – Now in operation to enhance your safety!
Automated Enforcement System (AES) will begin operating at 14 “blackspots” to nab drivers who break the speed limit and jump traffic lights. So less corruption right? Awesome! So peeps , drive safe and slow! Don’t against the law! 🙂 PENGESAHAN LOKASI PROJEK AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM (AES) – BAGI FASA PERCUBAAN (PILOT STAGE) Fixed Speed camera locations for Automated Enforcement System (AES): – KM 376, PLUS...