Broadband : Streamyx Super Upgrade Deals
What’s your streamyx package now? If it’s 512kbps RM66 per month like mine then you should consider this Streamyx Super Upgrade Deals, you just need to add RM5 a month to upgrade and enjoy 1Mbps! The best deal is you get to enjoy FREE upgrade for 4 months, thereafter only you will be paying RM71 for 1Mbps line.
Isn’t it a good and cheap deal? But must beware that you will not get full 1Mbps, what I’m getting is only 0.88Mbps. Browsing speed and drama streaming like is much faster without lag and buffering time but youtube is slow and need to pause for it to load… Not sure whether they throttled the youtube or not. If you are taking this Super Upgrade Deals then you are bond to the 24 months contracts, remember this!
*Note : Streamyx / Business Broadband online upgrade is only available from 8am to 8.30pm.
Guide on how to upgrade :-
Agree on the T&C
Sign in using your streamyx password
Select on the broadband package
Confirm the package
Upgrade confirmation
Upgrade completed. Check that out, Month(s) Remaining In Contract = 0, so does that mean I’m not bond to any contract or their system bugs? Or the contract is start from when I started using Streamyx which is 2002?? Haha.
Check your upgrade status here.
Terms & Conditions
1. Promotion valid until 31 December 2009 and applicable for UPGRADE application only.
2. This promotion is only applicable for existing Streamyx customers who have served a minimum period of 1 year
3. The minimum subscription period of 24 MONTHS will be applicable upon successful application to the new speed.
4. Promotion is only applicable for customers subscribing to unlimited hours packages.
5. For customers subscribing to lower speed packages (384kbps or 512kbps), only lateral speed upgrade are allowed.( E.g. Streamyx Standard packages with modem to Streamyx Standard packages with modem, Streamyx Combo to Streamyx Combo, Wifi@Home to Wifi@Home)
6. For upgrading to 2 Mbps or 4 Mbps, the new package is with modem.
7. No new modem will be given to customers upgrading to 512 kbps or 1 Mbps.
8. Upgrading to 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps or 4 Mbps is subject to availability and technical testing.
9. Promotion is not applicable for existing Broadband PC and Home, Hop & Away customers who are still bound to the existing contract.
10. Application for the speed upgrade to 512 kbps or 1 Mbps can be made via Online or at any TMpoint
11. Application for the speed upgrade to 2 Mbps or 4 Mbps will be available at TMpoint only.
12. Customers who have subscribed to Smart Savers plan are not eligible to enjoy this offer.
13. If customer terminates Streamyx service within minimum subscription period of 24 months, an administrative fee of RM350 will be charged to customer’s bill.
14. Streamyx Terms & Conditions apply.
December 17, 2009
hello, wanna ask..
how long it takes for the streamyx new package to take into effect?? from upgrading 512 -> 1.0mbps
1 day? 3 days?
December 18, 2009
hi, for mine I think within 2days already upgraded.
December 21, 2009
What happen to existing 1m user? atill need to pay at the higher price?
December 21, 2009
hmm good question! lol, I have no idea… you call them and ask maybe then let me know =p
December 25, 2009
Hi. After you have upgraded to RM71 package, do you still need to pay for the monthly rental of RM26 per month?
December 26, 2009
that is nothing to do with the rental, so upgrade or not still have to pay I guess. It’s not combo package.
December 26, 2009
Oh, I see. Thanks a lot.
December 29, 2009
I’ve upgrade mine to RM71 as well but the speed is still remain at 512kb down/ 256kb up
any1 of u face the same problem here?
pls reply
December 29, 2009
how long have u been waiting? have u check the status?
December 29, 2009
there is error with the process but i login to streamyx account page it says my current package is oledi rm71-1mbps
upgrade date- 27 dec 09
December 29, 2009
what do you me error? but the process of the upgrade? what’s the status? if it’s completed pls call 100 and ask.
December 29, 2009
yeah, it is complete
i called, they about 10 minutes on the phone
they tell me it is done
i go and check the speed, still same as rm66 standard package’s
December 29, 2009
try restart ur modem etc. or u can email and tell them i think this is the email. =)
That’s all I can help lo.
December 29, 2009
yeah, i did restart also
i just emailed them just now at 3
it usually takes 1 day for the reply
ok, i think thats all
THANKS for your help ^^
January 13, 2010
hc , so what they reply you?have your connection improve to 1M?? i also same as you upgrade from 512 to 1M but my speed still remain the speed of 512 kbps streamyx .
January 13, 2010
hi tk, I think you should send an email to tm and they will assist you on that as I did email them and got my 1mbps line! =)
January 14, 2010
ohh , wat is the email? is it others?
November 1, 2011
i am using streamyx two year, now i going to upgrade, is that the contract will renew? or remain the same?
November 1, 2011
Hi Asthma,
Please check with TM Net for your contract.