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Garage 51 by Coffee Societe @ Bandar Sunway

Garage 51 by Coffee Societe @ Bandar Sunway

It’s been awhile since I go for cafe hopping with The Wifey. Last weekend, we decided to visit Garage 51 by Coffee Societe at Bandar Sunway with Aiden. Garage 51 by Coffee Societe occupies a corner shop lot opposite Sunway University. You can easily spot this hipster cafe Coz there’s a eye-catching mural painting on the side wall of the corner shop. The cafe is such a nice and cosy hangout place for students and...

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Jam & Kaya Cafe @ PJ Palms Sport Centre

Jam & Kaya Cafe @ PJ Palms Sport Centre

What’s your favorite breakfast? Some days it’s kaya toast with half-boiled egg and a cuppa hot coffee, sometimes it’s big breakfast and occasionally it’s roti canai with a cuppa teh tarik. But ever since The Wifey got pregnant, I let her decide based on her cravings. So on one Saturday morning, we had the chance to visit Jam & Kaya at PJ Palms Sport Centre coz she wanted to try their pancake and then head...

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