《TVB 馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2015 @ Genting
《TVB 馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》在雲頂雲星劇場完成13個入圍獎項類別的頒獎。全城矚目的四大台慶劇之一《張保仔》經全民投票後獲選為「最喜愛TVB電視劇集」;陳展鵬更憑劇中「十一貝勒」一角榮膺大馬視帝,繼上月在新加坡勇奪視帝殊榮後再次報捷,實力無可置疑!田蕊妮和胡定欣則憑《鬼同你OT》的精彩演出雙雙登上視后寶座,深得觀眾歡心,亦得到評審一致肯定!。 《TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2015 @ Arena Of Stars, Genting 最喜愛TVB電視劇集是《張保仔》。袁偉豪憑《拆局專家》首獲男配角,女配角是《四個女仔三個BAR》的姚子羚。最喜愛TVB飛躍進步男女藝員由楊明及朱千雪獲得。 《TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2015》得獎名單 TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2015 Awardee List ■最喜愛TVB電視劇集:《張保仔》...
Smart Technology / Smart Future – Toshiba Convention 2014
I was recently invited to attend Smart Technology / Smart Future – Toshiba Convention at Genting Highlands together with other Nuffnang bloggers. It was actually a Product Launch Event for Toshiba’s New Ultra HD 4K TV & new-age home appliances. I’ve always been impressed with Toshiba products and I’ve had pretty good experience thus far (both the TVs I owned are Toshiba brand). Today, I’m just...
Genting Bus Crash Accident 巴士坠云顶高原山谷
Genting Bus Crash Accident near the Chin Swee Cave temple yesterday around 2.45pm which caused traffic standstill. The stage bus, which was ferrying 53 passengers on a 44-seater bus. The bus was overloaded and a check with JPJ showed the bus was blacklisted. This accident was the country’s worst road tragedy caused 37 dead, 16 injured. 37 dead, 16 injured in Malaysia’s worst accident Rescuers bringing out an injured passenger...
第三届《MY Astro 至尊流行榜颁奖典礼》@云顶云星剧场
盛装出席第三届《MY Astro 至尊流行榜颁奖典礼》的24组海内外歌手包括:Twins、钟舒漫、洪卓立、Denis 吴彤、潘玮柏、林宥嘉、丁当、梁文音、纪佳松、严爵、杨宗纬、AK 、Linda 廖语晴、郁可唯、梁静茹、张栋樑、张智成、东于哲、李佳薇、马嘉轩、张诒博、陈势安、Alvin钟瑾桦以及罗忆诗。 这场历时三小时半的颁奖典礼,将颁发合共64个奖项,包括25首至尊金曲。所有在第102期至第153期《MY Astro 至尊流行榜》入榜的歌曲和歌手,皆有机会入围和角逐今届颁奖典礼的奖项;“至尊人气歌手奖”得主则由网民所投选出来的成绩定夺。 精彩片段抢先看 MY ASTRO 第三届 至尊流行榜颁奖典礼 第三届《MY Astro 至尊流行榜颁奖典礼》3rd My Astro Music Awards Date : 17 March 2012 (Saturday) Time : 7.30PM Venue : Arena of Stars...
第三届《MY Astro 至尊流行榜颁奖典礼》@ 云顶云星剧场
第三届《MY Astro 至尊流行榜颁奖典礼》3rd My Astro Music Awards Date : 17 March 2012 (Saturday) Time : 7.30PM Venue : Arena of Stars “Music Factory” is the theme for the 3rd My Astro Music Awards, which will be held this March. Hosting this event will be MY FM’s four chosen ‘guardians’ – Jack Lim, Wan Wai Fun, Royce Tan and Bernard Hiew. Over 50 awards will be presented at this highly-anticipated ceremony,...
SK Live!!!2012 Live Band Countdown Party 新年倒数派对! + RED 2012 New Year Celebration Concert @ Garden Explore “MY FIESTA”
My Fiesta – SK Live!!! 2012 Countdown Party Artiste Interview Promo SK Live!!!2012 Live Band Countdown Party 新年倒数派对! 入场免费 Venue: Garden Explore My Fiesta, Taman Prima Tropika, Seri Kembangan (Behind Equine Park Giant Hypermarket) DATE : 31st December 2011 TIME : 8.30pm till late In conjunction with My Fiesta, one of Malaysia’s largest carnival taking place in Taman Prima Tropika, Seri Kembangan from 16th December 2011 till 6th...
My Music Sg Wang Street Party Countdown 2012 金河MY MUSIC 劲歌跨年派对
My Music Sg Wang Street Party Countdown 2012 金河MY MUSIC 劲歌跨年派对 Venue: Sungei Wang Plaza Date: 31 December 2011 Time: 9.30pm 2012年跫音在即,金河广场再度为大家带来一场免费大型跨年派对。届时,来自港台新马的10个单位歌手将接力演唱,与大家一起开心倒数迎接新一年! 由DiGi荣誉呈献、金河广场和吉隆坡宏愿合作社主办、万能及Midea联合赞助、LG为指定手机、指定电台MY FM以及astro为指定电视台的年度跨年盛大派对《金河MY MUSIC劲歌跨年派对》演出阵容已经落实!来自港台新马巨星势必要大家有个劲歌的跨年派对! 参与的歌手包括香港的王祖蓝和陈智燊、新加坡的Olivia...
Khalil Fong 方大同 – 至尊流行榜頒獎典禮 2009
至尊创作歌手 : 方大同 Khalil Fong 全台主持联颁至尊歌手 : 方大同 Khalil Fong 至尊专辑 : 《橙月》方大同 Khalil Fong 至尊金曲20 : 《为你写的歌》方大同 Khalil...