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ROBI – The Manglish Speaking Robot hits Malaysia

ROBI – The Manglish Speaking Robot hits Malaysia

I have always loved robots that I dreamed of building my own cute robot, something like the C-3PO or R2-D2 in Star Wars. It would be really cool if I could build a robot that can talk, sing, dance and perform simple tasks 😀 And here comes the good news! Building my own robot is no longer just a dream as Robi has arrived in Malaysia, all the way from Japan! *drum rolls* Incorporating cutting-edge robotics technology from Japan,...

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《 亚洲舞极限 2016 》- 台湾夺冠, 大马夺最佳舞蹈编排

《 亚洲舞极限 2016 》- 台湾夺冠, 大马夺最佳舞蹈编排

由Astro本地圈第三度主办的跨国街舞赛《亚洲舞极限 2016》于10月8日,在吉隆坡马华大厦三春礼堂精彩落幕!台湾B-boy精英组合Formosa Crew凭着累积了多年的实力问鼎《亚洲舞极限 2016》,大马街舞界后起之秀Rejuvenate Dance Crew也不落人后,以高水准的表现获得“最佳舞蹈编排”。 《亚洲舞极限 2016》继续贯彻“舞所不在,舞所不能”精神,邀来14支来自11个亚洲地区的精英舞队汇集一堂一较高下,考验多队舞蹈精英自编舞蹈和尬舞实力。经过自编舞蹈环节和四强尬舞环节两轮之后,最终由实力均衡,表现稳定的台湾组合Formosa Crew拿下冠军宝座。 大马代表Rejuvenate Dance Crew在自编舞蹈环节,凭出色的编舞拿下评审们给的86.8分高分,成功夺得“最佳舞蹈编排”为马争光,并与以82.1分成绩紧随在后的Red Lycans双双杀入四强,可惜最后两队大马代表不敌自编舞蹈环节得分80.9分的Formosa...

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Microsoft Surface RT launch @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas!

Microsoft Surface RT launch @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas!

The much anticipating Microsoft Surface RT launched last Thursday at Publika Shopping Gallery, Solaris Dutamas. The stand-alone Microsoft Surface RT tablet with 32GB internal storage is priced at RM1549, while the 64GB variant is priced at RM1849. Microsoft Surface RT launch @ Publika, Solaris Dutamas Surface RT is an extension of the Microsoft Windows experience, enabling customers to play, work and connect with the people who matter...

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Harlem Shake Craze Now, No More Gangname Stlye. I can dance Harlem Shake too!

Harlem Shake Craze Now, No More Gangname Stlye. I can dance Harlem Shake too!

Have you seen any Harlem Shake video in Youtube yet? Do you know what’s Harlem Shake? It’s the next craze on the internet (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter) after the PSY’s Gangnam Style! The Harlem Shake is an Internet meme in the form of a video of various groups of people performing a comedy sketch accompanied by a short excerpt from the song “Harlem Shake”. As a meme, the video was replicated by many...

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Gangnam Style breaks YouTube record but PSY might be facing health issue or sick due to overworked?!

Gangnam Style breaks YouTube record but PSY might be facing health issue or sick due to overworked?!

Ooh yeah! Are you sick of “PSY’s Gangnam Style” yet? I guess not! There’s still so much craze about Gangnam style and even “wedding day zhi mui’s game” also request heng dais to dance to the beat of “Gangnam Style Gallop” in order to pass the station game? Also there’s Gangnam Style dance performance and march-in during the wedding reception??! PSY’s Gangnam Style...

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The theme, “No Boundaries, No Limit”, is befitting for Season 3 of “Battleground” Street Dance Competition as for the first time, the competition will be open to everyone aged 15 and above, residing in Malaysia disregard of their nationalities or races. Ultimately, the formation of a universal culture in dance and music is anticipated. Debuted in 2007, “Battleground” is a street dancing arena specially designed for dancers...

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So You Think You Can Dance II, Ruums KL

So You Think You Can Dance II, Ruums KL

Went to Watch So You Think You Can Dance Season 2 @ Ruums KL on 19 June ( Episode 8 ) and 26 June ( Episode 9 ). It was fantastic! Ruums KL So U Think U Can Dance Stage Tickets Opening Dance, Part I (Very Creative Dance) Opening Dance, Part II (Very Creative Dance) Sam was kicked out from So You Think You Can Dance II, Episode 9 So You Think You Can Dance II, Episode 9 Grand Finale Very Chi Kik and all the dancers have own supporters...

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