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OnePlus One – Are you rooting for OnePlus One, but don’t have an invite?

OnePlus One – Are you rooting for OnePlus One, but don’t have an invite?

Besides Xiaomi, the latest high profile or rather most hyped phone is the OnePlus One smartphone. The OnePlus One was announced in April 2014 at the prices of $299 and $349 for the 16 GB and 64 GB models respectively. As of July 13, 2014 the phone still isn’t available public purchase but is available for a purchase through an invitation model. The OnePlus One smartphone, made in China is 2014’s “flagship...

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Intel launches an all-new PC refresher campaign – “Generation Today” : Offering an Experience of A Lifetime

Intel launches an all-new PC refresher campaign – “Generation Today” : Offering an Experience of A Lifetime

Intel launches an all-new PC refresher campaign – “Generation Today” The Generation Today roadshow main focus is to encourage consumers to upgrade their PCs and have the best touch computing experience powered by Intel products with latest technology and to replace the olden day’s machine. Intel named it as “Generation Today” because nowadays the technology is so advanced and everything we do daily is also somewhat...

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Microsoft : It’s a Great Time to be a Family

Microsoft : It’s a Great Time to be a Family

Do you remember when you started using a computer? The last I remember was during my primary school which was 15-20 years back then whereby we were still using 386 computer which is using 5.25″ floppy disks and Microsoft MS-DOSwhich don’t even have a graphical user interface (GUI)! Imagine that! Back then I was enjoying playing all those games loaded with the 5.25″ floppy disks and the graphic is not so advance like...

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Win a trip for 2 to the Katy Perry California Dreams Tour in Brisbane!

Win a trip for 2 to the Katy Perry California Dreams Tour in Brisbane!

Win a trip for 2 to the Katy Perry California Dreams Tour in Brisbane. It’s Hotmail way of saying thanks, as we bring you even more amazing features – including the all-new Office Web Apps which make accessing documents a breeze! With Office Web Apps, you can now edit your Office documents on the go within Hotmail. To find out more on Office Web Apps, go here. Hurry, answer the question below before 24 April 2011 and win! GRAND PRIZE...

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Malaysian Jess Lee Kar Wei 李佳薇 wins Taiwan’s reality TV competition “One Million Star” 超級星光大道

Malaysian Jess Lee Kar Wei 李佳薇 wins Taiwan’s reality TV competition “One Million Star” 超級星光大道

超級星光大道 20110130 李佳薇 – 回家 超級星光大道 20110130 李佳薇 – Listen “李佳薇太完美了”‧“星光”首個大馬冠軍贏喝彩歡呼 (森美蘭‧芙蓉31日訊)國大之光、台大之光、李氏之光、大馬之光、芙蓉之光! 4場完美演出、4個滿分記錄、評判一致認可……,“星光”首個大馬冠軍李佳薇在歡呼聲中誕生! 從昨晚開始,無論是部落格、推特、微博、面子書等等,都散播著李佳薇奪冠的喜訊,祝福聲連連。 森美蘭李氏聯宗會昨晚號召歌迷朋友到芙蓉塔羅餐廳觀賞李佳薇的決賽演出,以見證佳薇創造歷史性的一刻。 暫時擱置慶祝晚宴 對於李佳薇奪取冠軍殊榮載譽而歸,森州李氏聯宗會原本計劃舉行大型慶祝晚宴,但是,礙於李佳薇新年期間只逗留在大馬幾天,因此,計劃只得暫時擱置。 該會會長拿督李光輝說,雖然該會無法配合時間舉行晚宴,但仍會登門拜訪,包括贈送紀念品表揚李佳薇為李姓人爭光。...

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I love to drink coffee and can't live without it!

I love to drink coffee and can't live without it!

I need coffee everyday! If without coffee I will just sleep thru the whole day and cannot even open my eyes! Haha… yes, I’m serious! How about you? All I need is this SUPER COFFEEMIX 3 in 1, it’s easy to make, no need to add anything and it’s ready to drink by just adding hot water. I choose Super because it’s value for money as compare to many brands. It’s only RM8.50 and you could get it easily at...

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Honda Malaysian Racing Team going for the Merdeka Millenium Endurance Race

Honda Malaysian Racing Team going for the Merdeka Millenium Endurance Race

Hailed as the Asia’s Biggest Race, the Merdeka Millennium Endurance Race (MME) is one of the most challenging and demanding race for cars, drivers and teams alike. It’s where sheer determination and unrivaled skills thrive amid a grueling battle to clinch the inaugural championship title. Honda Malaysian Racing Team (HMRT) comprises of 22 Honda associates and three drivers of humble backgrounds but each with zealous...

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Astro Star Quest 2010 Audition 新秀大赛选拔赛 @ Federal Hotel

Astro Star Quest 2010 Audition 新秀大赛选拔赛 @ Federal Hotel

Make Your Dreams Come True at Astro Star Quest 新秀大赛 2010 If you think you are as good as the Astro Star Quest contestants you watch on television each week, now is the chance for you to prove it. The much anticipated star-making programme, Astro Star Quest returns in its 14th year with a call for an audition at Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on March 20 – 21, 2010 from 9am-3pm. Open to all Malaysian aged between 18 to 26 years old and...

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