舞极限2014 总决赛 Fearless精彩摘冠
“Fearless”无惧落后危机,极终对决一舞定江山!有着“大马Top 2 B-Boy”头衔的Khenobu不负众望,击败强手抱走全场舞极限2014总冠军奖杯。 经过多场淘汰赛,《Astro舞极限2014》总决赛昨晚圆满落幕。终极二强队伍“Fearless” 和“S-Striker”,经过7个不同主题回合的对决,才能决定鹿死谁手! 比赛一开始“S-Striker”就表现得来势汹汹,在自选曲风,及利用道具表演的首两个回合中,就一口气连拿两分!正当大家好奇,另一组在日本对垒当地舞者时还勇夺“Battle King”头衔的“Fearless”,到底是在搞什么?会否从此就一蹶不整之时,在接下来和韩国评审Funky Lia同台轧舞,及透过舞蹈呈献故事的两个回合,“Fearless”却一洗颓气,发力追回两分达致平手。 直至第5回 乃是邀请过去曾参加《舞极限》的高手助阵,“S-Striker”在这环节获2012年《舞极限》冠军人马Fix...
Astro Battleground 2013 – The stage is yours!
Astro Battleground 2013 is looking for a new dance champ, if you have what it takes, you are welcome to take over the stage. For the first time ever Battleground 2013 will crown the best dancer from the winning dance group. All great dancers out there don’t miss this opportunity as this is your golden ticket to learn from renowned Japanese instructors and to showcase yourself in an international arena. Astro Battleground 2013...