Nuffnang Bloggers Nite Out With Digi @ Friendster Cafe – Introducing Windows Live Messenger (MSN)
I was invited to this Nuffnang Nite Out With Digi @ Friendster Cafe last Saturday for the introduction of MSN. It was drizzling on that day but luckily I stay near by and familiar with that place and been to Friendster Cafe for few times. =)
Some ppl thought this Friendster Cafe is actually own by an online social networking site and make fun of it telling that if you show them your friendster user account and you will actually get 20% discount. LOL.
Before the event start, the emcee Jonathan, Robb from Nuffnang, Cecilia from Digi were having discussion on how to run the event in a successful manner.
After that, all the bloggers chit chatting there and camwhore there while waiting for 7pm for the registration. After the registration, we were given a T-Shirt each and a lucky number which did not bring me any luck. Haha.
Before the event started, we need to sign in to the virtual MSN board prepared by Digi, I must say it’s a creative way to push MSN. A lot of funny funny nick and status and personal message was written to the board.
This is the small private area for the event that night for the MSN sneak preview.
Emcee of the day, Jonathan. He is good and he did bring up the atmosphere of the event and he joked all the way.
There’s plenty of nice food and free flow of beer too! Yummy yummy. *Saliva drop*
Digi IM Introduction by Digi personnel.
During the event it was flashing all the night.
There were some demos going on and we were given a phone to test out the MSN function with the moderator which hiding in a corner with a laptop. =)
See one person vs so many ppl and it was projected to the screen to how it works live!
In between we had lucky draw too. Not so attractive prizes? Haha… everyone was hoping and eying for the PSP but was told it’s not for lucky draw.
There were some quiz and contest going on…
Hands up and you get one chance to answer the question being asked by the emcee. So many ppl want the prizes.
1. Hands up
2. Answer
3. Get the prize.
I answered one of the question and got myself a Logitech ClearChat Premium PC Headset, it worth about RM55+- from what I check but not sure now still worth that much. =p
1st contest was to make emoticon live! Some ppl make fun of the other thought. Haha…
Group 1
Kim with bracelets
Group 2
Group 3
Kate in action… funny. =p
Zoe in action… =)
The last was give Digi MSN brochure as the consolation prize. Haha… at least give something nicer ma.
After that, there’s a contest between angel and devil. “Angel vs Devil, they have to debate thru MSN. Topic : can a guy and girl be best friends after breaking up?”
Emcee picked two contestant…
In the end…
The conversation between angel and devil was projected on the the screen and both of them have their own supporters.
In the end two also appeared as winner.
It’s lucky draw time! The most awaited moment…
This is the reaction when you get cap as the lucky draw. =)
Then they have Flash Mob on the next day itself at Bukit Bintang area, I did give my contact number so that they can sms me the info. I got the sms early in the morning where I still in my dream, in the end I did not turn up.
The sms hint that I received…
DIGI MSN Flash Mob Bukit Bintang. Meeting point Food Court located in between KL Plaza and Jalan Imbi Hong Leong Bank look out for our Emoticons T-shirt fellow c u there
11am – 9pm
They showed us this funny ads. I have to say that Digi always come out with funny and creative ads and most successful ads. =)
After the event, I immediately try with my Nokia 6670 but not avail and come to disappointment it doesn’t support my phone. =(
I’m a Digi loyal customer and been using Digi since form 3 till now guess it’s been 10years+ or so and Digi never fail me. Always come out with innovative services and plans. I’m waiting to be one of the happy user of this new MSN service by Digi + Microsoft!
So what are you waiting for? Take out your handphone and send MSN to 2016 and follow the instructions to start MSN all the way for a free two months trial. There after you only need to pay a nominal flat rate of RM3 per month with no additional charges (e.g. GPRS, EDGE or 3G) after the free trial period. For more info log on to :
Click to view larger instruction on how to activate MSN on your compatible phone with Digi.
MSN with Digi all the way… anytime… anywhere. how cool is it? =)
March 20, 2009
Nice one, dude! =)
March 20, 2009
yeah nice to meet u soon seng. =)
March 20, 2009 this you win lo ok mou?
hahaha was somewhat a nice event
March 20, 2009
huh what do you mean let Yatz?
March 30, 2009
Congrats on winning the PSP!
March 30, 2009
Hey Nigel, thanks man! =) Congrats to u too on wining the Lappie, lagi good kan? hehe.
August 3, 2009
why the W800i cant use
August 3, 2009
W800i cant use the msn
September 1, 2009
wh t700 cant use the msn de