Want to know who deleted / blocked you from MSN? – MSN Email Virus, Trojan, Spyware
Wow, it doesn’t only send thru MSN Messenger, now it spread thru email too. I just receive this email from mangohean@hotmail.com, XXX@hotmail.com, so do you think I will ever click and check who deleted me or even who blocked me? Why should I care. Those who deleted me or blocked me, I would think that they don’t want to chat or be friend with me so why should I care and want to find out who deleted or blocked me from MSN? Why should you too?
Think carefully and do not simply click on the link others send you until you confirm with them that it’s valid and it’s authenticate.
It’s another kind of MSN Virus or MSN Trojan or even MSN spayware?
Want to know who deleted you from MSN Messenger?
Join Now to BlockAndRoll.net …
Easy look who deleted or blocked you from msn contact list
i have do that! now i know what “friends” blocked me …www.blockandroll.net
Now byebye! dont forget to join that website, its amazing!
i found a website. you can check who blocked you on MSN. And all Free. Visit this website
i found a website. you can check who blocked you on MSN. And all Free. Visit this website
I have just logged with my hotmail to www.muymsn.com that is a website where you can find WHO DELETED YOU from the MSN Messenger.
It´s incredible to find out that trusted friends deleted you
You might find out the same!!
Check it at www.muymsn.com
Check on my previous post about MSN Messenger Spread Virus By URL Link and MSN Messenger Virus which spread virus by sending you pictures or photo zip or rar files.
April 5, 2008
if you guys really wanna check,
try login meebo.com
mouseover on every nick to see whether they have you in the list or not
April 5, 2008
hey giasens, yeah I knew bout this but I still don’t really like anything else that require the msn or ICQ or yahoo password. I still think they will store it and use it somehow or rather.
April 18, 2008
you are cool
April 19, 2008
June 9, 2008
i want to knw who delete me in msn..
June 13, 2008
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
June 14, 2008
the best website
June 14, 2008
the best wibsite
June 22, 2008
Heey every 1 !!!
June 25, 2008
June 28, 2008
July 12, 2008
wana know who has block me
July 12, 2008
Hello , this website is very nice and i think best
July 21, 2008
Pleasee Helpp
I Cantt Doo Itt !
Byee x
August 9, 2008
you are the best
August 24, 2008
August 26, 2008
but no thing comes out when ……..
September 9, 2008
hope this is true.i want to know who blocked or deleted me.thanks
September 13, 2008
just wounderin if this works wanna kno whos deleted or blocked me on msn??
September 14, 2008
u’re the best!
September 15, 2008
its great
October 11, 2008
salut pour tout
October 18, 2008
stop using this website! he is trying to know your username and password !
October 19, 2008
yes as I said do not ever click on those link that other ppl in your contact send to you. Do not click it!
October 19, 2008
remember do not ever give out your password to anyone.
October 22, 2008
i Want to know who deleted / blocked me from msn
October 29, 2008
April 2, 2010
hey hi, i am manglii, the one u mentioned in this post but then i dun even know i had sent this out??? i felt offended as if im a no brainer! pls delete my name out of this. i believed it’s a spam like how u ended up in my contact list. sincerely yours, manglii
April 4, 2010
hi maglii, yeah ok sorry for that and I will remove it.
April 5, 2010
hey, thanks a bunch! but then , hmm, hahaha, mangohean is my alternate hotmail, i think it’s teh programme that i used last time, that i merge both acc together n my fren was using my pc n tat programme to log in hers, so tat’s how u got into my list. and so… it would be double great if u cud actually xxx another email… i hope im not asking too much… really, thanks….
August 6, 2010
Hey .. Im Kate Im 17 YEARS OLD And Im from Ny And This Is A Gd Job In Fact.. But I want to Know who’s Block or block Delete Me So Can u Help Me Or What :)!
Nice To meet u
August 6, 2010
Im Waiting