How To Make Love With Step by Step Guidline
How To Make Love With Step by Step Guideline? With Pictorial and Video guide for 1st timer. Yes, it’s not joke seriously but I’m here to teach you how to fold a love shape origami =p
Notes deliver better when in the shape of a heart! Learn to fold a regular piece of paper into something pretty. This is especially great for when you want to give your significant other a note that adds a little something extra, or when you write a friend something encouraging. Note that Christmas is just few days away! Start practice now.
1st Step: Fold your paper hotdog style twice (make sure to practice before using the letter).
Hotdog style fold #1
Hotdog style fold #2
2nd Step: Fold these two sides together, making a rectangle half the length. This will help you avoid a lop-sided heart.
3rd Step: Fold one of these sides into the center crease, making a right angle.
Make sure you’re folding up toward the open part of the hotdog
4th Step: Make sure the side you fold that toward is the open part of the hotdog. This will help you when tucking it all in at the end.
5th Step: Fold the other side to mirror that. This should make a triangle at the bottom with two long rectangles coming up.
6th Step: Face the folded side against the table.
7th Step: Take one of the long rectangle flaps and fold it down and toward the outside of the triangle, so that it is right next to the long edge of the triangle.
8th Step: Repeat this on the other side to mirror what you just did.
9th Step: Fold each of those flaps down and in to make the shape of the top of a heart.
10th Step: Tuck those into the long edge of the triangle.
11th Step: Tape down flaps.
If you find you are folding these at the wrong angles, you may need to review: what a right angle is, or what a heart looks like.
1) Don’t try this the first time on the a letter that you intend on giving to your friend/significant other! Use a practice piece of paper so that when you do the real thing it will be creased just right and done perfectly.
2) Don’t try this at home without proper safety measure? =)
Things You’ll Need
– 8.5″ x 11″ paper
– Tape
Another way of making love with video guideline
Enjoy your Christmas =)
Do come back and tell me whether you success to make love or not. Hahaha.
December 22, 2007
HAHAHHAHAA~ this got me at first! i tot u were gonna give SEX TIPS wei!
December 22, 2007
wakao….. i tok…. i tok….
chew…. think senget jor!!!
paiseh paiseh!!
December 22, 2007
Dude, even schoolgirls can do this lah…
Not impressed lah
December 22, 2007
ahah. it’s not the matter of age ok! =p
May 23, 2009
man this is not anything close to how to make love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Its close to how to start a nusery school!!!