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TNB – Electricity Traffic Price Increasing! 电费起 电费狂漲!

Oooh no… petrol price just increased not long ago, then TNB – Electricity Traffic Price Increasing effective from 1st January 2014! Currently my monthly electric bill is averaged at RM100+ so in the coming months it cost more! Imagine my low usage is about RM100+ how could it be possible that any household bill will be less than RM70? How’s much is your monthly electric bill??

TNB - Power Traffic Price Increased

Check out the video below on how can we save electricity?

TNB Buzz: How Can We Save Electricity?

TNB Pricing and Tariff

Effective from 1st January 2014, the new electricity tariff will be put in place in line with the Government’s aspiration towards gradually phasing out energy subsidies through the Subsidy Rationalisation Programme.

Kindly find below, the relevant quick facts about the new electricity tariff:
-70.7% (4.6 million) domestic customers are not affected
NO TARIFF INCREASE for the first 200kWh monthly consumption – since 1997
NO TARIFF INCREASE for monthly consumption from 201kWh to 300kWh – since 2009
-Rebate from the government for customers with monthly bill of RM20 or below is still maintained
-Domestic Tariff band is reduced to 5 bands from 9 bands for better understanding of the bill

The new electricity tariff setting methodology is based on the economic regulatory framework called the Incentive Based Regulation (IBR). Introduced by the Suruhanjaya Tenaga to enhance the operational efficiency and transparency towards maintaining a reliable and sustainable electricity supply.

It is important for the nation to have a sustainable power industry to drive economic growth to enable TNB to meet rising costs of supply, reinvest in aging supply equipment and continue making improvements in providing reliable and quality electricity supply.

Some key highlights of the new electricity tariff are as the following:

For Domestic Customers:
-The tariff will remain unchanged at 21.8 sen/kWh for the first 200kWh consumption per month – this constitutes nearly 50.4% (or 3.25 million) of all domestic users who pay RM43.60 or less monthly
-About 20.3% or 1.3 million customers who fall in the consumption band from 201kWh to 300kWh will not experience any increase at 33.40 sen/kWh
-On average, the domestic customers will experience an increase of 10.6% (3.03 sen/kWh).

For Commercial Customers:
-The change in average tariff will be 6.91 sen/kWh
-10% discount for welfare homes, government schools, government institutions of higher learning and places of worship is maintained
-University teaching hospitals which are fully funded by the government under the Ministry of Education (USM, UKM & UM) will also enjoy 10% discount

For Industrial Customers:
-Special Industrial Tariff (SIT) for water and sewerage operator will be given automatically

In parallel with the implementation of IBR, the Government will also introduce an Imbalance Cost Past Through (ICPT) mechanism for the power sector. Under the ICPT, the fuel cost will be reviewed every six (6) months and any changes (upward or downward) in the fuel cost due to the fluctuation in the fuel prices (namely gas, LNG, coal and alternative fuel) will be passed through in the end-user tariff.

To help the public manage their electricity consumption more responsibly, TNB will continue its efforts in educating the public through its Energy Efficiency Campaign.

Detailed information can be obtained from www.tnb.com.my or by contacting TNB’s helpline at 1300-88-5454.

For more information on the new tariff, please contact the following:
Call: 1-300-88-5454
Fax: 03-7960 0348
Email: [email protected]

TNB Harga dan Tarif

Berkuatkuasa 1 Januari 2014, tarif elektrik baru akan dilaksanakan sejajar dengan langkah Kerajaan melalui Program Rasionalisasi Subsidi.

Berikut adalah fakta penting mengenai tarif baharu elektrik :
-70.7 % ( 4.6 juta ) pelanggan domestik tidak terjejas
TIADA KENAIKAN TARIF untuk penggunaan bulanan 200kWj pertama – sejak 1997
TIADA KENAIKAN TARIF untuk penggunaan bulanan daripada 201kWj untuk 300kWj – sejak 2009
-Rebat daripada kerajaan untuk pelanggan dengan bil bulanan sebanyak RM20 atau ke bawah masih dikekalkan
-Jalur Tarif telah dikurangkan kepada 5 jalur kepada 9 jalur untuk pemahaman bil yang lebih baik
-Metodologi penetapan tarif baharu elektrik adalah berdasarkan kepada rangka kerja kawal selia ekonomi dipanggil Kawalselia Berdasarkan Insentif (IBR – Incentive Based Regulation). Diperkenalkan oleh Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) untuk meningkatkan kecekapan operasi dan ketelusan ke arah mengekalkan bekalan elektrik yang berdaya harap dan mampan.

Semakan semula tarif elektrik adalah keperluan bagi membolehkan TNB untuk memenuhi kenaikan kos bekalan, pelaburan semula dalam peralatan yang usang dan terus membuat penambahbaikan dalam menyediakan bekalan elektrik yang berdaya harap dan berkualiti.

Antara beberapa ciri-ciri utama tarif baharu elektrik adalah seperti berikut:

Untuk Pelanggan Domestik :

-Tarif akan kekal pada 21.8 sen / kWj untuk 200kWj penggunaan elektrik pertama sebulan – Ini merupakan hampir 50.4 % (atau 3.25 juta ) daripada semua pengguna domestik yang membayar RM43.60 atau kurang setiap bulan.
-Sebanyak 20.3% atau 1.3 juta pelanggan yang termasuk dalam jalur penggunaan dari 201kWj ke 300kWj tidak akan mengalami sebarang kenaikan sebanyak RM 33.40 sen / kWj
-Secara purata, pengguna domestik akan mengalami kenaikan sebanyak 10.6% (3.03 sen/kWj)

Untuk Pelanggan Komersial:

-Purata perubahan tarif adalah 6.91 sen / kWj
-Diskaun 10% untuk rumah-rumah kebajikan, sekolah-sekolah kerajaan, institusi pengajian tinggi kerajaan dan tempat-tempat ibadat dikekalkan
-Hospital pengajian universiti yang dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh kerajaan di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan (USM, UKM & UM) juga akan menikmati diskaun 10%

Untuk Pengguna Perindustrian:

-Tarif Perindustrian Khas bagi operator air dan kumbahan akan diberi secara otomatik
-Seiring pelaksanaan IBR, Kerajaan juga akan memperkenalkan makanisma Pelepasan Kos Ketidakseimbangan (ICPT) untuk sektor tenaga. Di bawah ICPT, kos bahan api akan disemak setiap enam (6) bulan dan sebarang perubahan (kenaikan atau penurunan) dalam kos bahan api disebabkan oleh turun naiknya harga bahan api (iaitu gas, LNG, arang batu dan bahanapi alternatif) akan disalurkan di dalam tarif pengguna.

Bagi membantu orang ramai menjadi pengguna elektrik yang berhemah, TNB akan meneruskan Kempen Kecekapan Tenaga.

Maklumat terperinci boleh didapati di www.tnb.com.my atau dengan menghubungi talian perkhidmatan TNB di 1300-88-5454 yang beroperasi dari 8.00 pagi hingga 11.00 malam.

Sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan tarif baru, sila hubungi:
Telefon: 1-300-88-5454
Faks: 03-7960 0348
Emel: [email protected]

Source : TNB Website

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Author: Saimatkong

This blog is a platform to share what I love in life: food (eat), travel (play), photography (art) and life (thoughts and ideas). With passion for food, I share my foodie adventures and indulgences here. “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”

Traveling makes us a better human being as we recognise the similarities and celebrate the differences of cultures between where we travel to and where we come from. “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

Photography do more than just capturing the best moments in our lives; they also help us tell our life stories. “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

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