牛车水 NiuZeXui, NZX @ Ara Damansara 2nd Visit
Again went to 牛车水 NiuZeXui, NZX @ Ara Damansara after my first visit there. Still a lot of the stalls is not opened yet and those shop lots are renovating. I supposed it will be ready before CNY?
Even the completion date advertise on the LRT billboard is September 07
If you are planning to buy CNY stuff like those deco or those CNY plants, NZX is suitable for you! There are selling a lot of “Kat Chai” all of those “Kat Chai” is not cheap either.
you can see how expensive are those plant =p even there’s security guard for it!
It’s very cheap, select 3 items for RM10.00
Big Apple Donuts & Coffee Opened
There’s a new cafe, Ka Fei Tiam @ NZX
Starbucks @ NZX is still renovating
NZX is fully air-conditioned
There’s carnival / games going which you could play the game to win some vouchers or CD-Rs
There’s plenty of basement car park so no worries about parking issue. 1800 parking spaces.
Commercial Area
Since a lot people still asking how to go to 牛车水 / NiuZeXui / NZX… You still don’t know where’s NZX or don’t know how to get there? Fear not, I did all the hard work for you, yes just for you! This is the video map as I promised. So for those who has no idea how to go, do have a look on this 1st in the world video map =p
It start’s from the LDP U-Turn before Giant or just in front of the school (SMK Kelana Jaya) and all the way to Niu Ze Xui, NZX =)
Last but not lease I heard TVB Charmaine Sheh Sze Man 佘詩曼 will be in NZX too but I’m not sure bout the details. If I have the details I update again. =)
January 16, 2008
lots of green
January 23, 2008
a very useful guide to NZX
but the journey seems to be very sadenning…>
January 23, 2008
hey why sadenning? mind to share?
January 25, 2008
saddening because of the backgorund music haha
January 26, 2008
yoyo! thank God that you actually make a video for that….
i drive for more than an hour and still got lost…but now with your video direction, i won’t be anymore!!
January 27, 2008
hey, you are most welcome. do tell other ppl about the map if they don’t know how to go =p although it’s abit blur.
February 17, 2008
tq for the info….can you please let me knw the song name of the video ??? i love the music .. or can you email to me … ehheheh
February 17, 2008
hey no prob. the song is “my love will get you”
October 12, 2008
Thanks, the video map u taken is very useful..
October 13, 2008
hey!! do u rmb me?? at last i get to found the place..easier than my expectation, haha..thanks alot..but i tink dun reli worthwhile go thr, bcoz reli gt nth much thr…mayb bcoz i went thr on weekdays.. i went to full house and oni the shop is a good place..but travel so far just for a meal..btween the star bucks thr is great…
October 13, 2008
yeah of coz i remember you. I did send you email and guide you ma =)
how’s the new tunnel?
October 31, 2008
haha ya, thanks alot…u r a great helper…erm…bout the tunnel, the one i went through its fine, im using the same tunnel, the one you went through in the video….im nt sure izzit the one u r asking about…btw, reli thanks a lot..
December 10, 2008
hey nice guide..im so outdated..it opened for a year and now only i noticed..paiseh..lol..guess thr had fully organized d..thx for the video btw..
December 12, 2008
haha welcome, continue to visit my site ya, will provide more updates
January 27, 2009
thanks a lot. the vdo helps a lot. great job
January 28, 2009
you are welcome =)
March 20, 2009
but now the tunnel is closed
is there any route to NZX
i hvn’t been there.
pls show us new direction.
March 21, 2009
Hi Ken, I thought the tunnel is reopened? If it’s closed then you can go straight after u turn in from LDP, there’s a new tunnel and look for the road sign board but it’s a bit far.
September 30, 2009
why i didnt see the video???
September 30, 2009
why i didnt see the video??? where is the link??
September 30, 2009
hi, you can’t see the youtube video? did you install flash?
September 30, 2009
i found it……hard to see the play symbol, hahaha. sorry mata sepek. i though is 1 of the pic…