GE13: Polls on Sunday, 5th May! Confirmed!
When is the voting day for 13th General Election?
It’s 25 days from now! Voting day set on Sunday, 5th of May 2013 while nomination of candidates is on April 20!
Hari Penamaan Calon : Sabtu, 20th April 2013
Hari Pengundian : Ahad, 5th Mei 2013
Nomination Day : Saturday, 20th April 2013
Voting Day : Sunday, 5th May 2013
This was announced by Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dissolved Parliament on Wednesday April 3, paving the way for the 13th general election.
Please mark your calendar and come back for voting! We need your support to get the right government!
All you must know about Voting!
任何关于大选的疑问,可联络选委会: 电话:+603-8885 6565 网址