《MY FM The Show天作之盒》
《MY FM The Show天作之盒》 was presented LIVE at the Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands on 5th & 6th September! Through the success of its annual events and overwhelmed demand, MY FM has made a major breakthrough this year by presenting MY FM The Show consecutively for 2 days in Genting! 《MY FM The Show天作之盒》 has invited the local and international artists to perform in the show, which included Sam Lee 李圣杰, Nicholas Teo 张栋樑, Rachel Liang...
Nicholas Teo – MYAstro Music Awards 张栋樑 – 至尊流行榜頒獎典禮 2009
Photo of Nicholas Teo during MyAstro Music Award @ Genting Highlands 张栋樑 – 至尊流行榜頒獎典禮 2009 至尊男歌手(大马):张栋梁 至尊人气歌手:张栋梁 《沉默的瞬间》- 张栋梁 《低调》 – 张栋梁 张栋樑被卓卉勤和林佩盈强吻!!! Eason頒發大馬區至尊男歌手獎給張棟樑時,感謝棟樑的粉絲,因為他們常買他的專輯送給偶像,至今棟樑擁有十多張Eason的專輯。張棟梁能在“E神”的手上接下至尊男歌手獎(大馬)也高喊說:“很高興能夠在我的偶像Eason手上拿到這座獎項!” 而棟樑得獎演唱歌曲時,拿著舞蹈員的道具花到台下送給很想得此獎的張智成,讓智成笑著欲踢棟樑一腳。 Read more about the rest of the MyAstro Music Awards here....