, the marketplace of Malaysia.
Mudah is a great and free way for you to post up your items for sale, whether its your gadgets, furniture, property, car or even services that you offer!
Mudah in English is “Easy”, in Mandrin is ” 容易”, so by the name you also know how easy is to use the system =)
So want to sell your things online and don’t know where to post and sell? Find it at not other place other than It’s easy, simple and convenient. You don’t have to waste your time and waste your petrol, no need to drive out = no jam + no hassle of finding parking! That’s the most important point. Besides that, you could compare price and the easy of your thumb.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s go to Mudah and start to buy and sell things online with a peace of mind.
This review is brought to you by and!
April 15, 2008
U do this….did U get paid yet? As I heard that advertlets is declaring bankrupcy…
best regards
April 16, 2008
nope still waiting for reply from email.
April 16, 2008
haha.. i saw ur nickname at advertlets there. ur nickname attracted me … haha
April 16, 2008
ahah sai mat kong =p
April 16, 2008
oh ya btw I have confirmation email from advertlets =)
February 3, 2009
Mudah Malaysia is as good as ebay and craiglist. People should try it.