Posted By Saimatkong on Aug 26, 2014 |
继MY FM DJ尹匯雰宣布上周五诞下儿子Marcus之后,MY FM另一女DJ颜薇恩也开心分享怀孕5个月的喜讯,并宣布预产期为明年1月7日!

对于为何选在这个时期宣布有喜,薇恩表示由于自己的身材消瘦,肚子日渐“现形”已让很多朋友开始“有所怀疑”,再加上好姐妹匯雰又刚荣升为妈妈,让薇恩也很想与大家分享这份喜悦。薇恩同时也宣布所怀的是男胎,再次印证了MY FM旺男丁的说法。除了刚出世的匯雰的男宝宝,薇恩的两位《阳光灿烂》拍档林德荣和Jeff陈浩然也分别拥有一位和两位公子!



怀孕5个多月的薇恩虽然没有刻意要求减少工作量,但公司体恤薇恩这位新准妈妈,难免因为怀孕对身体所造成的不适,所以都尽量少安排工作给她。无论如何,薇恩依旧会出席这个周六所举行的《MY FM星战16》台庆演出。
Author: Saimatkong
This blog is a platform to share what I love in life: food (eat), travel (play), photography (art) and life (thoughts and ideas). With passion for food, I share my foodie adventures and indulgences here. “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”
Traveling makes us a better human being as we recognise the similarities and celebrate the differences of cultures between where we travel to and where we come from. “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”
Photography do more than just capturing the best moments in our lives; they also help us tell our life stories. “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”