Posted By Saimatkong on Aug 26, 2014 |
MY FM DJ尹匯雰上周五(8月22日)晚上9时许剖腹产子,母子平安。

提早一个多星期来报到的男宝宝英文名为Marcus Lee,中文名暂时还未定,体重2.92公斤。匯雰的好拍档Royce陈志康表示,由于Marcus和他自己的生日(8月23日)仅相隔一天,所以往后可以一起庆祝生日了!

预产期原为8月31日国庆日的匯雰,较早前于台庆记者会上表示,每一年的台庆都不曾错过,而今年当然也不例外。敬业的匯雰更扬言将在完成台庆演出后就直奔医院生产!随着宝宝的提前报到,匯雰会否依旧“零缺席”台庆呢?这个周六(8月30日)的《MY FM星战16》自有分晓。
Author: Saimatkong
This blog is a platform to share what I love in life: food (eat), travel (play), photography (art) and life (thoughts and ideas). With passion for food, I share my foodie adventures and indulgences here. “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”
Traveling makes us a better human being as we recognise the similarities and celebrate the differences of cultures between where we travel to and where we come from. “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”
Photography do more than just capturing the best moments in our lives; they also help us tell our life stories. “Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”