Asian Music Festival 亚洲音乐节 2011 @ MINES, MIECC
7个亚洲国家, 25组顶尖巨星超强气势, 10小时震撼摇滚, 1个热爆音乐盛会.
因为本年度最备受期待的音乐盛事,亚洲音乐节即将隆重登场!超过20位来自7个亚洲国家的歌手将会齐聚一堂呈现连续10小时的精彩表演,让观众沉醉在各类型悦耳动听的东方音乐之中 , 绝对是亚洲音乐爱好者不容错过的年度盛事。
表演嘉宾: 黄贯中, 陈冠希, SE7EN, 李灿森, 黄小琥, 王俪婷, 廿四味, 张芸京, 棒棒糖, 杜成义, 何维健, DAYDREAM, 农夫, 林隆璇, 周笔畅, 刘纾妤, 赖力豪, 黄威尔, 慢行, ROSEVELT, 李佳薇, THE BOTTOM BLUES, NAMCHA, 胡蓓蔚,朱浩仁
日期 : 2011年 4月 30日 (30/04/2011)
时间 : 中午2点 – 凌晨12点 (2pm – 12am)
地点 : MINES, MIECC 马来西亚绿野国际会展中心
票價 : RM128 & RM248 *搖滾區 (Rock Zone)
Asian Music Festival featuring more than 20 artists, from seven Asian nations for 10 hours of non-stop musical experience.
Asian music fans rejoice, as Tiger Beer is proud to bring you the biggest Asian Music Festival™ to date – right here in Malaysia. Featuring non-stop electrifying performances for a jaw-dropping ten hours long of musical bliss, the Asian Music Festival™ is undeniably an event no Asian music fans can miss.
With appearance of more than 20 artistes from seven Asian nations, the festival is set to kick off at 2pm at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC), Sri Kembangan this April 30th 2011. There will be massive performances by artistes from both international and local music scenes belting out their best numbers; such as Se7en from Korea, Edison Chen and FAMA from Hong Kong , Taiwanese artistes Jing Chang and Tiger Huang, Bibi from China, Olivia Ong from Singapore , Namcha from Thailand and lastly, our very own Suki and dayDream from Malaysia, just to name a few.
The excitement doesn’t stop here –three emcees, Paisley Wu from Hong Kong, and Astro MY FM deejays Mei Yan and Jeff Chin – the famous duo that needs no introduction in local Chinese entertainment industry; will further amplify the atmosphere by keeping fans entertained throughout the night. The icing on the cake of the entire festival is definitely the refreshing ice-cold Tiger beers which will be served throughout the event – the beverage that always goes well with such rip-roaring music event.
I have one ticket to give out! Just leave a message here why you want to go to Asian Music Festival 亚洲音乐节 2011 and the best comment will get the ticket! =)
The event partners include MY FM, Air Asia, Cathay Pacific, Everlast, Station One, Mint, Canon and Neway.
Official Website :