Smiley face will appear in night sky
with some modification
Smiley face will appear in night sky
Is it a flying saucer? Is it a runaway intergalactic missile? No, it’s just a smiley face.
On Monday night Venus, Jupiter and a three-day-old crescent Moon, will appear as a smiley face above the western horizon.
The unusual astronomical event will be close enough to see with the naked eye, any time from 9pm (AEDT) onwards.
But if you miss it, you will have to wait another five years before the formation appears again.
Source : Yahoo
Stargazers spot heavenly smile
THIS will put a smile on your face – the biggest grin you’ll EVER see.
Stargazers in Australia have spotted Venus, Jupiter and a crescent moon coming together to send a message of happiness to Earth.
But unfortunately it seems the heavens are smiling on only one side of the world.
While people in the state of Western Australia had the best view – with the moon appearing closer to the “eyes” – us Brits won’t see it at all.
Be happy
By the time the sun sets for Europe and Africa the moon will appear between the planets, pushing the “mouth” between the “eyes” to create a weird scrambled face effect.
And in the US, the effect will be REVERSED and will appear as a grumpy FROWN.
According to experts the best time to see the phenomenon has been around 20 to 30 minutes after sunset.
And even though the planets and moon appeared to be close together, in reality they weren’t.
The crescent moon is 403,000km away while Venus is 149.5million kilometres away. Jupiter is 870million kilometres away.
David Widdowson, from astronomy calendar website Astrovisuals, said the heavens might be trying to send us a message to shrug off bad financial times and be happy.
He added: “It is perhaps a reminder that things aren’t so bad and that we should try to follow the Python Commandment to ‘always look on the bright side of life’.”
To read more about this out-of-this world smile click HERE.
Venus, Jupiter and crescent moon create smiley face above Australia
Phenomenon … the smiley celestial face has been captured by readers. Picture: Scott Chaney Gallery Readers’ photos* Look up and smile at the heavens
* Venus, Jupiter and the moon will smile back
* Readers’ photos of smiley skyTHE smiley face created by Venus, Jupiter and a crescent moon has been captured on camera by readers.
The best time to see the phenomenon was about 20 to 30 minutes after sunset.
Send your photos of the smiling sky, and your location, to
Venus and Jupiter have appeared side by side in the evening sky over the past week or so, but tonight was the best night to see the “face” appear, astronomers said.
Viewers in Western Australia had the best view, with the moon appearing closer to the “eyes”.
While the planets and moon appeared to be close together, in reality they weren’t. The crescent moon is 403,000km away while Venus is 149.5 million kilometres away and Jupiter 870 million kilometres.
Stargazers in Europe and Africa will miss out completely. By the time the sun sets for them the moon will appear between the planets, pushing the “mouth” between the “eyes” to create more of a Picasso-esque effect.
In the United States, the effect will be inverted and will appear as a frown.
David Widdowson, from astronomy calendar website Astrovisuals, said the heavens might be trying to send us a message to shrug off bad financial times and be happy.
“It is perhaps a reminder that things aren’t so bad and that we should try to follow the Python Commandment to ‘always look on the bright side of life’,” he said.
And perhaps it should tell Americans being frowned upon to have a long, hard look at themselves…
It will be another five years before the astral phenomenon appears again.
Source :
December 8, 2008
thank you for sharing this
December 14, 2008
too bad i dont have picture of the smiley night but it looks much better here in the Philippines especially in dumaguete city…
December 15, 2008
ooh really? too bad then. heehe if got then do upload to me. =)