Astro Star Quest 2009 @ Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil
All these years, I’ve been watching this Astro Star Quest and because of this ASQ, Malaysia born a lot of new stars like Nicholas Teo. This time round I managed to get in as Media and could go to watch it live plus get close to the stage and snap. Before the event start, around 7pm there’s already a lot ppl queuing up waiting to get into the stadium and some enjoying their food, lok lok, FATMAN Steamboat. There was a booth...
Janice @ Astro Star Quest 2009, Bukit Jalil
Janice was the special guest to test the contestants but unfortunately she was sick and not feeling well on that day, but she insist to sing one song because she did not want to disappoint the fans and she looked really sick. After that she was admitted to hospital. Hope she will be fine now. Janice 衛蘭 was leaving the stage with the help of the crews. 新秀大賽榮譽榜 Astro Star Quest 2009 Result 冠軍:黃毓敏 Min 亞軍:劉界輝 Kah Fai 季軍:曾潔鈺 Jie Yu...
Astro新秀决赛周六引爆 钟健桦呛声“最受欢迎不一定得冠军”?
(吉隆坡21日讯)《Astro 新秀大赛2009》决赛进入倒数阶段,五强人马刘界辉、钟健桦、黄毓敏、涂富祖、曾洁钰把握仅有的时间做最后冲刺,势必要以最佳的状态踏上决赛舞台,决一死战! 配合今年决赛的主题“我们的演唱会”,在今日的记者会中,制作单位花心思准备了模拟舞台与五位新秀的肖像小纸牌,再由新秀们把自己“摆上台”,意味着他们已经够资格登上如同演唱会般的大型舞台。 大热门人选刘界辉被问及得奖压力是否很大时,谦虚地表示得到冠军与否,还需视乎决赛当晚的临场表现。刘界辉和黄毓敏不约而同地表示对方是最大的对手,活动司仪翁书尉立即追问另三位新秀是否觉得有“陪跑”的感觉,三人均以很“官方式”的口吻表示能来到决赛已经很满足了。 一番熙攘之后,大家才发觉中文程度一般的涂富祖原来不晓得“陪跑”的意思,待制作人解释后才恍然大悟,场面相当搞笑。五人当中年纪最轻的钟健桦忽然冒出一句:“最受欢迎的不一定能得冠军!”刘界辉随即作出回应,被指有“对号入座”之嫌!...