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Astro B.yond TVC Shooting @ Desa Park City

Astro B.yond TVC Shooting @ Desa Park City

Few weeks back, I was one of the few selected bloggers to do some shooting to promo Astro B.yond @ Desa Park City. What we required to do is just to tell our new year resolutions and comments on Astro B.yond HD. The environment at Desa Park City really nice and breathtaking. The video man & crews! They are a bunch of funny and cool guys. They shoot Ho Chiak too. Haha. This is how the setup for the Astro B.yond TVC shotting that...

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Naza Kia Forte Owner Gathering @ Desa Park City

Naza Kia Forte Owner Gathering @ Desa Park City

Last Sunday, a bunch of Forte owner and soon to be owner were gathered at Kluang Station Waterfront Desa Park City. It was a nice Sunday morning where everyone would like to ZzZZzZzzzz more but I sacrificed for my love, Forte. Gathering started from 10am-1pm, so I need to get up around 9 plus which is like a torture for me as Sunday not a working day and supposed to sleep till noon and till the sun beam my butt only get up. Haha. When...

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Astro B.yond – The new HD Experience

Astro B.yond – The new HD Experience

I still remember when I was young in primary school, I saw a hot air balloon flying around KL area and it written “Astro” on the balloon, that time I have no idea what was that and years later I’m a Astro subscriber and enjoy watching Astro. Haha. HD? Apa itu HD? “Hou Dim” in Cantonese ah? Haha… It’s High Definition la. You will be seeing this term everywhere when you go to look for LCD TV /...

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