TVB 与 Astro 垮地域制作《星级健康 4 之 Go Green 碳世界》
由 TVB 不 Astro 联手制作的健康资讯节目《星级健康》系列再接再厉,以 更鼎盛的主持阵容,更多的资源打造最后一季《星级健康 4 之 Go Green 碳世界》。16 位 TVB 艺人袁伟豪、李施嬅、王君馨、张振朗、朱晨丽、黄子恆、邓佩仪、何君诚、黎诺懿、龚嘉欣、 姚子羚、刘佩玥、唐诗咏、杨明、岑丽香、翟威廉以及嘉宾胡定欣,為新一季《星级健康》注入 新力量,带领观眾搜集各种 Go Green 方式,身体力行肩负环保工作,并探索如何达到能够永续 发展的生活。 《星级健康》系列自 2013 年播出以来好评如潮,从第一季探索健康常见问题,到第二季以运劢 发展健康体魄以及第三季的星梦之旅,节目始终希望能贴近观眾,传递多元的健康资讯。去年, 以真人秀方式拍摄,让艺人体验丌同职业的《星级健康 3 之星梦成真》更在《马来西亚 TVB 星 光荟萃颁奖典礼 2015》中,获颁由大马观众所投选的“最喜爱 TVB 资讯节目”一奖。 今次《星级健康 4 之 Go Green...
TVB Stars in Malaysia to promote Wellness On The Go 3 <<星級健康 3>> @ Paradigm Mall, PJ
With the success of the first and second season of Wellness On The Go 星級健康, popular TVB stars include Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪), Sharon Chan (陳敏之), Pierre Ngo (敖嘉年) and Elaine Yiu (姚子羚) came to Malaysia to promote Wellness On The Go 3 星級健康 3. HELLO MALAYSIA! Tuan-Tuan Dan Puan -Puan 「Apa Khabar?!」 While the previous Wellness On The Go 2 focused mainly on health benefits of playing common sports, the theme for Wellness On...
Astro On Demand Drama Promo Tour at Paradigm Mall (Featuring Joe Ma马德钟, Him Law 罗仲谦, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯 & Benjamin Yuen 袁伟豪)
In conjunction with the upcoming Hong Kong dramas which will be aired on Astro On Demand, four TVB actors including Joe Ma 马德钟, Him Law 罗仲谦, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯 & Benjamin Yuen 袁伟豪 attended a promotional activity at Paradigm Mall on Sunday, 6th July 2014. Malaysian fans have the opportunity to interact with their favorite TVB actor face-to-face. Astro On Demand Drama Promo Tour at Paradigm Mall The fun-filled “Astro On Demand...
Astro On Demand 剧集首映造势活动-马德钟、罗仲谦、梁烈唯及袁伟豪7月初来马造势
港剧潮流,顶级享受!配合多部精彩港剧即将于Astro On Demand陆续播出,TVB四位帅哥猛男包括马德钟 Joe Ma、罗仲谦 Him Law、梁烈唯 Oscar Leung,以及袁伟豪 Benjamin Yuen铁定于7月4日来马,南上展开为期三天的宣传造势活动,散发型男魅力攻陷大马粉丝的心。 首场造势活动定于7月4日(星期五)晚上7时30分,在新山士姑来五福城(Sutera Mall)举行。昱日(7月5日,星期六),众港星随即于下午2时及晚上8时分别前往峇株巴辖广场(Batu Pahat Mall)和芙蓉Seremban Prima 购物广场出席第二日的造势活动,以及在7月6日(星期日)下午2时到八打灵再也百乐泰广场(Paradigm Mall)进行最后一场造势活动。...
Wellness On The Go 2 ”星级健康 2” Promo Event @ Boulevard, Paradigm Mall [Featuring Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯, Sharon Chan 陈敏之 & Benjamin Yuen 袁伟豪]
Wellness On The Go 星级健康 is a Health programme show produced by TVB and Astro. The show received a lot of positive feedbacks and supports from the local audiences. In addition to the success last year, the programme has a second season titled, “Wellness On The Go 2” 星级健康2. Wellness On The Go 2《星级健康2》 will feature original hosts from first season Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯, Sharon Chan 陈敏之, Jason Chan 陈智燊, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Elaine Yiu...
《星级健康2》强势回归 426 Paradigm Mall办全城运动日 Wellness On The Go Season 2
续去年由TVB艺人主持的健康资讯节目《星级健康》获得大马观众热烈回响和支持后,Astro华丽台与TVB再次跨国合作,推出贴近大马健康资讯的节目《星级健康2》 Wellness On The Go Season 2,并结合时下运动运动的新元素,鼓励全民参与运动,打造美丽时尚的城市健康生活。 《星级健康2》其中四集主持人梁烈唯、陈展鹏、陈敏之,以及袁伟豪将于4月26日(星期六)来马出席在八打灵再也百乐泰广场(Paradigm Mall)Boulevard举办的“《星级健康2》全城运动日 ”公开活动。活动从早上11时开始至傍晚5时,四位港星将在下午3时30分现身与现场民众一起热闹跳健康舞,正式为节目揭开序幕。另外,梁烈唯与陈展鹏也会在早上11时30分率先登场与民众一起玩游戏。 此外,活动当天现场也设有多个热身游戏让民众参与同乐,同时还有小礼物派送,活动精彩有趣,欢迎民众踊跃出席。...
The Hippocratic Crush 2 (On Call 36小时II) @ Paradigm Mall – 杨怡、吴启华、黄智雯及袁伟豪 10月18日来马造势
In conjunction with the airing of TVB Drama “The Hippocratic Crush 2” (On Call 36小时II) on Astro On Demand starting 4th November 2013, the casts which includes Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Lawrence Ng Kai Wah (吳啟華), Mandy Wong (黃智雯) and Benjamin Yuen (袁伟豪) will be in Malaysia on a promotional tour to promote the series as well as meet their fans. Apart from the regular cast members such as Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Him Law...