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TVB Stars in Malaysia to promote Wellness On The Go 3  @ Paradigm Mall, PJ

TVB Stars in Malaysia to promote Wellness On The Go 3 <<星級健康 3>> @ Paradigm Mall, PJ

With the success of the first and second season of Wellness On The Go 星級健康, popular TVB stars include Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪), Sharon Chan (陳敏之), Pierre Ngo (敖嘉年) and Elaine Yiu (姚子羚) came to Malaysia to promote Wellness On The Go 3 星級健康 3. HELLO MALAYSIA! Tuan-Tuan Dan Puan -Puan 「Apa Khabar?!」 While the previous Wellness On The Go 2 focused mainly on health benefits of playing common sports, the theme for Wellness On...

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