Watch Thomas Cup Final Live Streaming for FREE with Astro on the Go app & RTM Malaysia – Malaysia vs Japan! #ThomasCup4All
Posted By Saimatkong on May 25, 2014 |
Everyone is having badminton fever and very excited to watch tonight’s badminton match as Malaysia has successfully made it to the Thomas Cup final. Will Malaysia be able to repeat its victory in 1992 Thomas Cup? Watch Thomas Cup Final Live today to find out!
Exactly 22 years ago, Malaysian badminton players Rashid Sidek, Foo Kok Keong, Kwan Yoke Meng, and doubles team Cheah Soon Kit-Soo Beng Kiang and Razif Sidek-Jalani Sidek created history by winning the Thomas Cup for Malaysia after beating Indonesia, 3-2.

Lee Chong Wei

Chong Wei Feng
Tonight, all Malaysians can watch the Thomas Cup final via the Astro on the Go (AOTG) for free, even non-Astro subscribers. To access AOTG, you can download the app from the Apple App store and Google Play store or access it via web on
Good News! Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) will broadcast the Thomas Cup final tie between Malaysia and Japan today as well, after Astro agreed to give it the broadcasting rights! #MalaysiaBoleh

I personally think there’s a high chance of Malaysia lifting the Thomas Cup trophy as we have skillful badminton players like world No.1 Lee Chong Wei and I’m quite impressed with Chong Wei Feng who played very well during the match.
Where to watch Thomas Cup Final live?
Remember to watch Thomas Cup final live match between Malaysia and Japan at 5.30pm tonight on Astro Arena Channel via the Astro on the Go app or RTM Malaysia TV Channel!
Where to view Thomas Cup Final Live Score?
You can also watch the live score of the Thomas Cup Final here >> Thomas Cup Final Live Score
p.s: Public holiday was declared when Malaysia won the Thomas Cup final in 1992 so everyone is wondering if there’s a public holiday should Malaysia wins the Thomas Cup final tonight. Nonetheless, I’m cheering for Malaysia tonight! Go Malaysia!!! You can do it! Yakin Boleh Mesti Boleh! Malaysia Boleh! Hip hip hooray!!!!!!!
THOMAS Cup Final 2014
Venue : Siri Fort indoor Stadium, New Delhi, India
Date : 25th May 2014
Time : 5.30pm
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