Franco Petite @ Paradigm Mall
I’ve always loved french toast and I can have it for breakfast, lunch, tea time snack or even supper 😀 My regular spot for French toast during my college years is none other than the famous Kim Gary – during then their Hong Kong-style french toast is one of the best in town. Heheh. My friend recommended Franco (formerly known as Miam Miam) for good French desserts and delicious french toast 😀 I came to know about Franco...
TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2014 Promo Tour (TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014拉票造勢活動)
In conjunction with the upcoming TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2014 “TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014″ which is going to be held on 23rd November 2014 in Malaysia, TVB stars Roger Kwok 郭晉安, Kristal Tin 田蕊妮 and Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣 will be in Malaysia on 25 October 2014 for a promotional tour activity to meet and greet their fans. On 25 October 2014, all the three TVB stars Roger Kwok 郭晉安, Kristal Tin 田蕊妮 and Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣 will be in Paradigm Mall at 2PM...
Wellness On The Go 2 ”星级健康 2” Promo Event @ Boulevard, Paradigm Mall [Featuring Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯, Sharon Chan 陈敏之 & Benjamin Yuen 袁伟豪]
Wellness On The Go 星级健康 is a Health programme show produced by TVB and Astro. The show received a lot of positive feedbacks and supports from the local audiences. In addition to the success last year, the programme has a second season titled, “Wellness On The Go 2” 星级健康2. Wellness On The Go 2《星级健康2》 will feature original hosts from first season Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯, Sharon Chan 陈敏之, Jason Chan 陈智燊, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Elaine Yiu...
《星级健康2》强势回归 426 Paradigm Mall办全城运动日 Wellness On The Go Season 2
续去年由TVB艺人主持的健康资讯节目《星级健康》获得大马观众热烈回响和支持后,Astro华丽台与TVB再次跨国合作,推出贴近大马健康资讯的节目《星级健康2》 Wellness On The Go Season 2,并结合时下运动运动的新元素,鼓励全民参与运动,打造美丽时尚的城市健康生活。 《星级健康2》其中四集主持人梁烈唯、陈展鹏、陈敏之,以及袁伟豪将于4月26日(星期六)来马出席在八打灵再也百乐泰广场(Paradigm Mall)Boulevard举办的“《星级健康2》全城运动日 ”公开活动。活动从早上11时开始至傍晚5时,四位港星将在下午3时30分现身与现场民众一起热闹跳健康舞,正式为节目揭开序幕。另外,梁烈唯与陈展鹏也会在早上11时30分率先登场与民众一起玩游戏。 此外,活动当天现场也设有多个热身游戏让民众参与同乐,同时还有小礼物派送,活动精彩有趣,欢迎民众踊跃出席。...
Fa Ying by Rama V @ Paradigm Mall
Fa Ying by Rama V is a modern Thai Restaurant located opposite Bulgogi Brothers at the Boulevard area in Paradigm Mall. Fa Ying by Rama V serves Thai cuisine with a modern twist. For those who do not know, Fa Ying Thai Restaurant is actually under the same management as the popular Rama V Fine Thai Cuisine at Jalan U-Thant and Khao by Rama V Fine Thai Cuisine at Setia City Mall. This laid-back restaurant has a cosy lounge area for you...
The Hippocratic Crush 2 (On Call 36小时II) @ Paradigm Mall – 杨怡、吴启华、黄智雯及袁伟豪 10月18日来马造势
In conjunction with the airing of TVB Drama “The Hippocratic Crush 2” (On Call 36小时II) on Astro On Demand starting 4th November 2013, the casts which includes Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Lawrence Ng Kai Wah (吳啟華), Mandy Wong (黃智雯) and Benjamin Yuen (袁伟豪) will be in Malaysia on a promotional tour to promote the series as well as meet their fans. Apart from the regular cast members such as Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Tavia Yeung (楊怡), Him Law...
《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》10月12日 Paradigm Mall举办佳丽见面会
(吉隆坡8日讯)你如何评定“美”的定义?由Astro本地圈制办、Adonis主要赞助,MY FM为指定电台的《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》10强佳丽终于诞生!同时,10位“新鲜出炉”的决赛佳丽也即将在10月12日(星期六)下午4时30分,于Paradigm Mall底层大厅美丽登场,与公众见面。 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》10强诞生,并即将于10月12日在Paradigm Mall公开亮相 (后左起)Fancy吴胤婷、Zhiny黄之豫、Lisha何丽莎、Roselind颜慧芬及Angelica叶小庆;(前左起)Eric陈秋萍、Charlotte陈美婷、Elise陈玢奾、Carol王钶媃及 Elie黄美莲。 届时,10位明艳动人的决赛佳丽更会与PJ College Arts and...
Miraku 味楽 – Japanese Restaurant @ Paradigm Mall
Miraku 味楽, established under the Texchem Group, is a casual fine dining Japanese restaurant located at the Boulevard area in Paradigm Mall. The name of Miraku stems from the Japanese language which simply means a great place for customers to enjoy great food. To get to this restaurant, just turn left at the Starbucks exit and you will see Miraku at the end of the walkway, next to Chili’s and opposite Seoul Garden Korean BBQ....