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Missing Kid Aisyah Found! Ibu suspek serah Wan Aisyah kepada polis!

Missing Kid Aisyah Found! Ibu suspek serah Wan Aisyah kepada polis!

Updates! Missing Kid Aisyah Found! Thanks to the public. Aisyah who went missing since 2nd August, was brought to the police station by the suspect Mahakam River’s mother this morning. Ibu suspek serah Wan Aisyah kepada polis KEMASKINI: Adik Wan Aisyah Wan Exzan yang hilang sejak 2 Ogos kerana dipercayai diculik, telah diserahkan ke Balai Polis Sungai Nibong oleh ibu suspek pagi tadi. Perkara ini disahkan oleh Ketua Jabatan...

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Please help to find Aisyah! Missing Kid in Jusco Rawang!

Please help to find Aisyah! Missing Kid in Jusco Rawang!

Seen Aisayh somewhere? Please help to find Aisyah, the missing kid! I have seen this notice in FB and wanted to help in find the kid. If any of you seen this kid around please report police. ‪#‎findaisyah‬ Bantuan semua diperlukan seorang kanak2 (Aisyah), anak kepada guru Sekolah Menengah Sungai Besi telah dicolek di Jusco Rawang sebentar tadi, suspek dikenalpasti menaiki kereta Viva Puteh BLC 1894. Gambar kanak2 dan suspek diedar...

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