Ruco Chan 陈展鹏 team up with Malaysia Ex-National Player, Wong Choong Hann 黄综翰 in Friendly Match @ One Shamelin Pioneer Badminton Academy!
Ruco Chan 陈展鹏 in Malaysia Filming for “Wellness On The Go 2” 星级健康2! Today, Ruco Chan 陈展鹏 team up with Malaysia Ex-National Player, Wong Choong Hann 黄综翰 in Friendly Match @ One Shamelin Pioneer Badminton Academy! 陈展鹏来马拍摄《星级健康2》 与大马前国手黄宗翰和Astro用户切磋球艺 After the promo event for “Wellness On The Go 2” 星级健康2 at Paradigm Mall, Ruco Chan 陈展鹏 is in Malaysia again to film his episode in Wellness On The Go 2 星级健康2 with the theme “Badminton...
陈展鹏来马拍摄《星级健康2》 与大马前国手黄宗翰和Astro用户切磋球艺 Ruco Chan vs Wong Choong Hann
由Astro华丽台与TVB跨国合作制拍的健康资讯节目《星级健康2》已如火如荼地在大马展开拍摄工作,多位节目主持人将轮流来马进行拍摄。续早前梁烈唯在马拍摄“跑步(马来松)”主题之后,第二集节目主持人陈展鹏也即将于5月4日(星期日)再次远赴大马,并在 One Shamelin Pioneer Badminton Academy 羽球场为主题为“羽球”的《星级健康2》进行节目拍摄。 届时,Ruco Chan 陈展鹏将和特别嘉宾大马前羽球国手Wong Choong Hann 黄宗翰一同携手搭档,与通过Astro Circle 网站成功登记的Astro用户切磋球艺。同时,他也将在现场与大家分享更多运动健康心得,并且与幸运的现场观众一同玩游戏,做近距离接触。想要一睹明星风采的民众欢迎到现场为陈展鹏及所有羽球员加油打气! 香港TVB艺人陈展鹏以及马来西亚羽球国手黄宗翰一起打羽球、做运动!...
Wellness On The Go 2 ”星级健康 2” Promo Event @ Boulevard, Paradigm Mall [Featuring Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯, Sharon Chan 陈敏之 & Benjamin Yuen 袁伟豪]
Wellness On The Go 星级健康 is a Health programme show produced by TVB and Astro. The show received a lot of positive feedbacks and supports from the local audiences. In addition to the success last year, the programme has a second season titled, “Wellness On The Go 2” 星级健康2. Wellness On The Go 2《星级健康2》 will feature original hosts from first season Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Oscar Leung 梁烈唯, Sharon Chan 陈敏之, Jason Chan 陈智燊, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Elaine Yiu...
《星级健康2》强势回归 426 Paradigm Mall办全城运动日 Wellness On The Go Season 2
续去年由TVB艺人主持的健康资讯节目《星级健康》获得大马观众热烈回响和支持后,Astro华丽台与TVB再次跨国合作,推出贴近大马健康资讯的节目《星级健康2》 Wellness On The Go Season 2,并结合时下运动运动的新元素,鼓励全民参与运动,打造美丽时尚的城市健康生活。 《星级健康2》其中四集主持人梁烈唯、陈展鹏、陈敏之,以及袁伟豪将于4月26日(星期六)来马出席在八打灵再也百乐泰广场(Paradigm Mall)Boulevard举办的“《星级健康2》全城运动日 ”公开活动。活动从早上11时开始至傍晚5时,四位港星将在下午3时30分现身与现场民众一起热闹跳健康舞,正式为节目揭开序幕。另外,梁烈唯与陈展鹏也会在早上11时30分率先登场与民众一起玩游戏。 此外,活动当天现场也设有多个热身游戏让民众参与同乐,同时还有小礼物派送,活动精彩有趣,欢迎民众踊跃出席。...
TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 Promo Tour (featuring Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Eliza Sam 岑丽香 & Him Law 罗仲谦) @ Taman Segar Pasar Malam, Cheras
In conjunction with the upcoming TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 “TVB马来西亚星光荟萃颁奖典礼 2013″ which will be held on 1st December 2013 at KWC Star Stage, Kuala Lumpur, the nominees which includes Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Eliza Sum 岑丽香 and Him Law 罗仲谦 is in Malaysia from 8th November and 9th November 2013 for a promotional tour activity to meet and greet their fans. TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 – Ruco Chan, Him Law, Eliza Sam @ Taman Segar...
A New TVB-Astro Collaboration: Outbound Love to be filmed in Malaysia 《单恋双城》来马取景众港马演员亮相开镜仪式
香港TVB新剧集《单恋双城》与Astro跨国合作,来马来西亚实地取景,四位剧中演员Ruco Chan 陈展鹏、Aimee 陈茵媺、Elaine 姚子羚、Vivien 杨秀惠,以及多位Astro本地圈艺人今日出席在八打灵再也范式商场(Paradigm Mall) 主要大厅所举行的《单恋双城》开镜仪式,为此次拍摄宣传造势,揭开序幕。 继2009年《富贵门》赴沙巴州取景并创下口碑和收视佳绩之后,TVB如今再度为《单恋双城》前来大马吉隆坡和槟城两抵进行长达一个月的拍摄,更有三份之二的戏份将在此完成。《单恋双城》为第二部以香港和马来西亚作背景的剧作,并获得槟城旅游协会热心协助,此剧更结合TVB与Astro强大的人力资源,连同摄制队、幕后工作人员及艺员达一百位,再度见证TVB与Astro长期的紧密、良好的合作关系。 TVB-Astro drama Outbound Love 《单恋双城》video highlight...
Astro Brings You a Night of Glamour Featuring 6 TVB Artistes 《Astro 华丽台2012节目巡礼派对》
Astro is getting ready to bring you a night of glitzy glamour as TVB stars from Hong Kong – Moses Chan 陈豪, Michael Tse 谢天华, Ruco Chan 陈展鹏, Natalie Tong 唐诗咏, Law Chung Him 罗仲谦 and MC Jin 欧阳靖 make their special appearance with Astro’s own renowned superstars in the upcoming star-studded event “Astro Wah Lai Toi 2012 Presentation Party” 《Astro 华丽台2012节目巡礼派对》. Date : Friday 30 March 2012 Time : 8.30pm Venue : Dewan Wawasan (Level 4),...
《My Astro On Demand我的最爱2011》谢天华 Michael Tse 陈展鹏 Ruco Chan 来大马宣传
My Astro On Demand Favourite 2011, is an online voting campaign organized by Astro On Demand (AOD), with MY FM as the official radio station and supported by the Hong Kong TVB. To kick start the voting campaign and to announce the nominees, AOD invited Hong Kong TVB artistes; 谢天华 Michael Tse, 陈展鹏 Ruco Chan and Kenneth Ma 马国明 for exclusive mall shows from 21 October until 23 October 2011 at Kuala Lumpur and Kuantan. 《My Astro On...