★日期 Date : 29/04/2011 ★時間 Time : 7.30PM – 10.00PM ★地點 Venue :Overtime,Tropicana City Mall Celebrating the box-office success of Great Day! 《天天好天》慶功派對+DVD推介禮 林德榮太过”HiGH”了! =) 尹匯雰兌現諾言“谷”胸慶功,卓卉勤也不甘示弱露出半邊酥胸,豪放“半粒”,兩女成為鎂光燈焦點,搶盡風頭! Check out the video below on how 尹匯雰 Wan Wai Fun、卓卉勤 Vivian Tok show their assets! Astro’s second local Chinese film production, Great Day, was the major box office success for local Chinese...