Soka Gakkai Malaysia – Project 55 @ Bukit Jalil (SGM P55 Merdeka Performance)
It’s a big success after 2 months of practices and hard work from the performers and the working committee. The performance was so awesome and almost perfect. Do enjoy the videos below from youtube sources. Once again thank you everyone for the support! Without you there won’t be any history. 創價會參與國慶慶典 (吉隆坡29日訊)馬來西亞創價學會(簡稱SGM)將在8月31日參與全國及各州所舉辦的55週年國慶日慶典。 該會22位會員將於國慶日當天上午參與在獨立廣場舉行的國慶日大遊行。...